Submitted by gator_fl t3_11cj3p3
Submitted by tinydarklord t3_1002h8u
Submitted by wdcmsnbcgay t3_118a8vt
Submitted by Uptalker t3_zlav6h
Mystery WMATA/Metro survey markers: Can any intrepid city planners or engineers explain what these discs are (or were) used for? I seem them all over the place, even sometimes away from Metro stops.
Submitted by LilGeographersRoom t3_zz42rw
Submitted by Maxcactus t3_yfjklc
Uncovered manhole on 33rd and M NW (Georgetown); already seen 5-near accidents and cyclists almost hit it. 311 has been called.
Submitted by No-Student-1110 t3_106o18j
Submitted by DC-DE t3_ygxpz2
Submitted by RainbowCrown71 t3_113viz3
Submitted by Brass_Orchid t3_z83peu
Here's a look at the 1st (test) train ever through the new Potomac Yard 🚇station. Major 🎉 milestone in our efforts to complete the 🏗️ work for the new station. Testing is on schedule & we appreciate everyone’s patience as our teams work to get the station completed. #wmata
twitter.comSubmitted by yunnifymonte t3_yd7e22
Submitted by waitwhatttt t3_121kgsx
Submitted by RainbowCrown71 t3_11bvmxn
Submitted by jsnowman97 t3_zxia1m
Submitted by ninsurv t3_yb1ghl
Submitted by lord_guppy t3_yd4c8p
Submitted by brighteyes111 t3_yisa85
Submitted by stache_twista t3_z7wzbj
Submitted by pantshirtshoes t3_127wvx0