Submitted by bluelotus214 t3_11c00by in worldnews
LordNineWind t1_ja1btq5 wrote
Reply to comment by hiro0500 in Most G20 nations condemn Russia for war, China silent by bluelotus214
Well, western countries do like to turn a blind eye when their allies do the same things.
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja23cio wrote
Indians aren't our allies. Just look at the comments by Indians here and on this sub as a whole.
They resent and despise us for the actions undertaken by our great grandfathers and beyond (Cold War) and later (War on terror + Pakistan)
If we ever want Indians to be allies we have to make amends for this and offer an incentive that pulls them away from Russia
But this is very unlikely, as they love Russia and see it as more trustworthy and dependable than the US, and are very wary of relying upon the West in any way.
Its the reason why their trade is growing so fast with China. They may say they hate China, and some reddit people will say they hate both but China more, but economically India imports fucktons from there and its only rising. And due to nations past action, Soviet support and American antagonism, the relationship may be too far gone to salvage
[deleted] t1_ja26u22 wrote
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja29hjz wrote
Of course people love Russia. They have been an ardent ally of India through thick and thin, through conflict with Pakistan to standing up to USA for em.
This isn't even mentioning the massive extent of Russian exports to India, especially of arms and material they wouldn't give to any other non-alligned group and the extremely beneficial tech transfers that go with it
And this is just the prosperous military relationship. There is also culture (Indian films in Russia and vice versa, positive opinions of each others country and citizens, shared Western skepticism) and non-military trade (reliable and key exporter of oils and metals)
This is also why Indians are not also reluctant to buy arms from the US/UK (France is seen as better because less of a colonist for India, but even now Russia is above em) but also just to trade in general. To the point India has a massive trade relationship (importing billions) from China, whereas trade with US is not that big (although it does seem to be growing)
[deleted] t1_ja2b2mg wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2faw6 wrote
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja2fxim wrote
Sorry, updated my comment (posted early)
I agree. West saw Indian nonallignment and friendly relations with USSR as taking a side and decided to back Pakistan as an anti-commie block
This was disastrous. Kissinger is a monster and also an idiot. US fopo towards India at the time was also braindead and sometime outright racist.
But not we must suffer our great grandfathers mistakes (not that long ago, but old af politicians) and now we have a unstable Pakistan no one in America actually likes who isn't even that important now war on terror shif scaled back, rising China who dominates trade even with its biggest local rivals because the US are too concerned about appeasing domestic voters to trade more, and India mired with corruption (whilst I am not necessarily the biggest fan of the Indian nationalists as a whole, Modi and the BJP compared to the INC dynasty is relatively easy, much less corruption at least) and prior stagnant growth
And tbh whilst they are Westernised to some extent I dont know how far that goes. Even in Indian online spaces-- Indians use the same media as rest (unlike China) and even language (can access external news if they choose) they are similar to China in online pro-Russia sentiment.
Not fundamentally different, but neither side is going to take a big first step in relations, US knows India will never join again China in Taiwan and India knows US won't support directly in skirmishes in border (and India doesn't expect it to escalate) to the "alligned" anti China thing fizzles out, and India imports tons from China and America does too
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja2exuh wrote
Sorry, I couldve clarified I was focusing on imports there, but you are correct I was relying on old data. However even then, China is still ahead (even if by less than I thought) and as you say, Indians are skeptical of increased reliance upon the West in trade (to the point China is their largest trading partner-- rather be stabbed in the front and all I guess) Not to mention the fact that many imports from China are critical, whereas India can and wants to move away from US dependence
And Russian influence in India is much more understated. From Soviet propaganda to Operation Infektion in the outset to India media (and that includes nominally "independent" media dancing around the Russian line) This includes associating Soviets with modern Russia, UN votes, vetos and speeches, arms sales, seeing Russia as a successful and honest country, and being completely forgiving of all and any Russian steps against Indian interests (big one is their massive relationship with China, but also them restricting foreign investment from India and others and cancelling arms sales)
Don't get me wrong, we very likely broadly agree. My point is given all we have both said and the Indian sentiment, India as the US will not be allies. Americans are apathetic towards India if not slight positive, and Indians dislike America and are very wary of them
The best to hope for is a mutually beneficial trade relationship where both sides do not interfere with each other, and India will continue to trade with Russia, China, Afghanistan etc.
sulphra_ t1_ja25xcc wrote
Dude are you really taking reddit into account when you say this stuff? India is not our ally cuz of redditors?
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja291vw wrote
It conveys public opinion. Also backed by actual polls of India on Russia vs US
DwooMan5 t1_ja260s3 wrote
You’re taking the words of Indian nationalists on the internet as the intent and feelings of the whole. Regardless there was recently a resolution in congress to condemn the 1971 genocide though I’m unsure of what happened with that.
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja2qrhf wrote
To be clearer, public opinion polls back this up.
And honestly, Indian nationalists on reddit are downright pleasant when compared to Indian nationalists in non-English speaking circles. Much more talk of revenge and dominance than trade or independence lol.
The nationalist comments that dislike the West and like Russia are indeed a plurality, if not majority
librandufissdrinker t1_ja38c33 wrote
There is no "Love" in geopolitics.
[deleted] t1_ja26j54 wrote
[deleted] t1_ja2v9gt wrote
CloneFailArmy t1_ja1diwv wrote
India isn’t even our ally though. We hate them too and they hate us likewise. They’re in that weird allied to Russia but hates China category
slipnips t1_ja1ncvz wrote
If by 'we' you mean the Reddit diplomats, then perhaps you're right. If by 'we' you mean the western governments, then it's not accurate, as states don't have love-hate relationships like middle schoolers. The only factor that matters is whether their national interests are served through a relationship.
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja23vy2 wrote
A lot of Indians do seem to hate the US and West as a whole, which makes sense.
And whilst you are correct about national interests, that too is served by domestic opinions.
Indians love Russia as they have been cultural but especially great military partners since the cold War, very dependable. So there isn't anyone upset over 90% military dependency upon Russia or relying upon em for crucial imports of certain natural resources (oil, some minerals)
On the other hand, America when being run by our great grandfathers is not reliable at all. In the Col War when India sided with the Soviets USA stupidly thought it smart to side with Pakistan, and then not only underplayed genocide but also sent ships off coast. Soviets responded with nuclear sub, in India's defense.
Hence many Indians (can see them in this thread) as skeptical of any reliance upon the West, even mutually beneficial trade and dealing between private companies.
This is one reason why China is a fast growing trade partner to India, and will likely reap even more gains from Indias growth as it exports massive amounts. Whilst some Indians online claim to hate China more than US, their money sings a different tune and we should pay attention to that.
Doesn't mean give up on India entirely as a partner, but accept it will never join any kind of military alliance and instead the best we might get is a trade deal to reduce their dependence upon China.
marcspector2022 t1_ja2xtl3 wrote
This is absolute crap, most Indians love the west.
Wish we could say the same about western countries.
kiraqueen11 t1_ja3lg5y wrote
I understand why you have that perception, given you most likely have formed it by interacting with people like me, so I'll give you some context:
There's a small subsection of young and politically aware Indians who have a massive chip on their shoulder because of our colonial past and that sometimes translates to anti-west sentiments, mainly skepticism and anger over hypocritical behaviour.
That said, we are an incredibly small minority that still has a lot of appreceation for western or western derived values (appreciation for liberal democracy, free trade, individualism etc.). There's a lot of things that we admire America for (I'd wager we have a more positive opinion of the US compared to Europeans). We just want to put our country's interests first, that sometimes includes supporting morally questionable stances when it comes to geopolitics.
In summary, while there is an element of truth to what you think, it's a lot more complicated than just that.
whingeing t1_ja1j06t wrote
You need history lessons. Take some time. Read up on 1971 and what the west’s stance on Bangladeshi genocide was and towards India trying to help them set up their independence.
[deleted] t1_ja1ok4n wrote
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja23zn3 wrote
So you agree with the guy that India hates the US? I don't see the disagreement tbh
whingeing t1_ja28tz1 wrote
Uh I don’t agree with him. I don’t think the point of that was to be pro Russia. The point of that was to not take sides and do what’s good for their country.
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja29pux wrote
Thats my point-- he is right Indians hate the West and you outline why.
They resent us for the actions undertaken by our great grandfathers and beyond (Cold War) and later (War on terror + Pakistan)
If we ever want Indians to be allies we have to make amends for this and offer an incentive that pulls them away from Russia
But this is very unlikely, as they love Russia and see it as more trustworthy and dependable than the US, and are very wary of relying upon the West in any way.
Its the reason why their trade is growing so fast with China. They may say they hate China, and some reddit people will say they hate both but China more, but economically India imports fucktons (billions, largest importer by far) from there and its only rising.
And due to nations past action, Soviet support and American antagonism, the relationship may be too far gone to salvage
This isn't even mentioning the military relationship India and Russia enjoy
whingeing t1_ja2oxb1 wrote
Sounds like you have an agenda and would rather live in a bubble where you’re an expert geopolitician.
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja2q9yi wrote
How so? I'm not a geopolitical expert, just interested in trade and econ and geopolitics.
Not sure what bubble you mea. Am in Russian telegrams, Indian news and Hindu speaking areas, Chinese media apps, etc.
If anything, Indian media and people are even more anti West in Hindi speaking circles than English ones. Hence China being their largest trade partner
whingeing t1_ja2sqix wrote
I really don’t think the entire the world is anti US, much less anti anyone. Yes there are problematic things in society today, but polarizing news and a percentage of people who are voicing their opinions loudly does not immediately mean it’s fact. I’ll stick to the point: I do not agree with you that india hates the US. I don’t think the US hates India. If that’s the case, we should listen to the likes of the the Republican Party who love Russia and want us to stop helping the Ukrainians. But does supplying support immediately mean we hate Russia? The US and the Europeans have been buying their oil from India who sources MOST of their oil from Iraq and some from Russia too. Does that make us pro Russia and pro Middle East? Do you see how your arguments are just meant to incite division and hatred?
Geopolitics is complicated. Our armchair opinions aren’t grounded well enough to make sweeping statements. Did you see the post about El Salvador yesterday? The news coverage was so bad and you’d think it’s the worst. But then you listen to individuals who live there and realize hey maybe the world is more complicated than we think.
[deleted] t1_ja24y9v wrote
CulturalFlight6899 t1_ja23ybl wrote
If anything this only explains their comment (why Indians hate us)
Just see my other comment
marcspector2022 t1_ja2xyms wrote
Some Indians might hate the governments, but that's it.
marcspector2022 t1_ja2xpnb wrote
Are you crazy or just puerile?
America is a favorite for India and most Indians, however that being said.
America is like the popular high school girl whom you can't take for granted, she will oblige you ONLY if she has no other options on hand.
Btw, the western countries were apathetic towards our terrorism related problems for the longest time, I think India is just reciprocating the whole "It's every man, woman and child for themselves" policy.
India is not happy with the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but it needs oil, simple and clear. It won't take the moral high ground and make the citizens suffer.
[deleted] t1_ja1yd69 wrote
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