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t1_j9jbpdd wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 80%. (I'm a bot)

> North Korea's official newspaper has said the country should reject foreign aid - likening it to "Poisoned candy" - despite deepening hardships and reported food shortages.

> Unification Minister Kwon Young-se said Pyongyang had asked the UN food agency, the World Food Programme, to provide support but there was no progress because of differences over monitoring issues.

> The incident came just two days after North Korea fired an intercontinental ballistic missile into the sea off Japan's west coast, in what state media described as a move to strengthen its "Fatal" nuclear attack capacity.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: food^#1 North^#2 Korea^#3 missile^#4 agency^#5


t1_j9jc1re wrote

I can't tell if there's an /s there, or if it's a genuine question? Il answer anyway, sanctions are to stop the government and top level supporters having good life and fancy cars. Aid is to stop the innocent population from starving and suffering as a result.


t1_j9jd7ol wrote

Dear Leader,

We can't live on empty stomach while you are gaining weight. We will happily obey command if you can share a little bit from your kitchen.


Your Starving Citizens.


t1_j9jdtl2 wrote

Dear leader say go back to eating crickets and grass hoppers.


t1_j9je481 wrote

Maybe porky will help feed his starving countrymen by letting them raid his fridge.


t1_j9jeu7f wrote

Damn, the dear leader is getting really chubby while his people are starving to death.


t1_j9jkbic wrote

"trap to plunder and subjugate"? What could anyone possibly plunder from NK? Human misery? Chinese methamphetamine?


t1_j9jkt9g wrote

Wow if only there was a precedence of the US denying them help from the world food bank. Or offering them basic staples in exchange for things like infrastructure wiring and cattle tails to weaken their economy. Or the US putting up marine barricades to prevent ships leaving ports or docking in NK.

Begging you to listen to people from NK besides the ones funded by right wing think tanks. loyal Citizen of Puongyang in Seoul


t1_j9joasn wrote

Seventy years ago. Many of rhe soldiers were Chinese, whom like Germany, Japan, Italy, & Vietnam have become trade partners at worst to allies.

The standard of living in NK is among the worst in the world. Legend amd myth dont hold a candle to the kidnapping of Japanese citizens to the genocide of their own people.

Not ever making excuses or goody goody on American power but the datas clear.


t1_j9jq9z7 wrote

Hahaha! Yeah until the UN offers them ANOTHER aid package, and they accept it saying they’ll make concessions. Those concessions will fail to materialize. And the whole cycle will start again.

This bullshit is standard operating procedure for these clowns.


t1_j9jrueq wrote

China's little whoreboy spinning the stupidest conspiracy theories about the west.. I'm sure this is a first..


t1_j9jw17n wrote

Serious Question, why are we allowing aid companies to provide help to North Korea? The regime only exsists because it is held together by aid.

Why are we helping it survive?


t1_j9jwe79 wrote

“You know what, I am Gonna EAT all your western POISONED Candy! 🍭! For Saving My PEOPLE! 😍”

———— from Dealer Leader Kim Jong-Un with love 💕


t1_j9k3f6u wrote

"out past the 7PM curfew, eh? We're going to have to publicly execute you tomorrow morning and throw your family into the Five Generations Re-education Clinic. Your family is not eligible to leave until your great-great-grandchildren are born."


t1_j9kkjci wrote

The leaders constantly feast while the people starve. The north Korean dictator and his family are all fucking fat.


t1_j9kpbx8 wrote

Wanted: new leader. Someone thin who doesn’t starve his family. (Pounding on the door, gunfire.) Never mind.


t1_j9ksqoh wrote

The previous Kims used to do the same saber rattling about developing weapons but didn't actually follow through for the most part, or would offer concessions on what they had done in exchange for aid. The current Kim just keeps pushing forward with weapons development and the international community has not quite responded in kind to it yet.

Trump tried to reset relations with them (a worthy attempt I thought, even if I hate Trump) but it produced nothing. Biden hasn't really done anything about them (foreign policy for the US has been pretty distracted from NK lately).

What's the answer? More sanctions? Just let their people starve until they rebel or the nation collapses? I don't think there are any good answers. I suppose the best might be that China reigns them in somehow but I don't think even they have the pull necessary to do it.


t1_j9ktlqe wrote

Usually his father and grandfather would offer concessions for aid, they'd also not go crazy into weapons development but instead just used it as a saber rattle to get the international community to help them out when things got tough.

Fatty Kim the Third however is developing weapons regardless of consequences. Perhaps the time has come to end all aid. I believe that at some point this regime must be allowed to just collapse entirely.


t1_j9l3g3k wrote

Stop giving them aid, why the f are we helping these butthead having lunatics.

They offer nothing but hostility. Let them sink, and allow their citizens to be freed.


t1_j9l5fd4 wrote

Because no one wants it to collapse: Kim Jong-un knows he will go from absolute power to executed for crimes against humanity if he loses China doesn’t want South Korea and this the US on its border South Korea doesn’t want to deal with having to bring millions of people to the present as the money needed would destroy their economy The US doesn’t want to deal with the fighting and economic devastation


t1_j9l5myc wrote

No one in power wants it to collapse: Kim Jong-un knows he will go from absolute power to executed for crimes against humanity if he loses China doesn’t want South Korea and this the US on its border South Korea doesn’t want to deal with having to bring millions of people to the present as the money needed would destroy their economy The US doesn’t want to deal with the fighting and economic devastation


t1_j9m4zmd wrote

I don't want to help North Korea, the longer the regime is in power the more misery the Koreans will have to endure. The longer the regime is in power the more misery it projects on the world.

Helping them imo is not a morale act, it's like torturing someone


t1_j9n4b11 wrote

Kim Jong Poon: We reject filthy American 'poison candy!!' Glory to Team Best Korea!!


Kim Jong Poon: Mmm. All these delicious American foodies, all for meeeeee!! Heheheheheheh!!


t1_j9nfyji wrote

This is a good sign. It means that for the first time they're having to actually compete with the PR coming over the border. It means that the people are asking why the government isn't taking free money that ten years ago they would not have even known was on the table.


t1_j9o7exp wrote

Worked out fine for Mao Zedong

If you control the media you can literally just tell your people that you've saved them, and they'll buy it hook line and sinker.

China exported food every year of the great famine, people here still spout off about how wonderful a hero Mao was, especially those old enough to have suffered through the famine. Younger people have a more nuanced view but even then are generally supportive.


t1_j9qkhpn wrote

>You could check this, it's a natural development of cold war.

Denying agency of Koreans over their own nation was a natural development of the cold war? What authority did the US and Russia have to delegate what the PRK could do with is own land?

>US rejected soviet's proposal.And Soviet rejected UN's proposal

When was the PRK consulted in all this?

>With us withdrawed their troop from south Korea. North Korea decided to attack with Stalin's approved.

Border skirmishes had been ongoing well prior to the Korean invasion of Korea. As well, the installed dictator in the South was just finishing up a self identified eradication campaign at Jeju after unification demonstrators started making demands. Upwards of 100,000 people were killed, injured or displaced.


t1_j9qnjgj wrote

What authority? Military occupation authority? Soviet even directly rejected UN's proposal. There's nothing can be done at the moment.

Talk about dictator, you know Kim Il-sung a dictator too,right?

Millions of death or exile cause he want to "unify" Korea by war. He wants to be another Mao as he won the Chinese civil war. Do you know he purged the leadership of southern communist after PLA retake Pyongyang for him? And then he purged pro-soviet and pro-sino members to make his Kim dynasty.He called them spy from the south lul.

Both dictator was shit,but guess what? South nowaday is better than north thousands time. And south is not a dictatorship anymore.

Even if US want to consult with PRK, do you think PRK wouldn't listen to Soviet?


t1_j9qv4f0 wrote

>What authority? Military occupation authority?

So Japan was justified in exporting Korean women as sex slaves because they occupied the peninsula? If your analysis begins and ends at might makes right, I really don't know what to tell you.

> Soviet even directly rejected UN's proposal.


>There's nothing can be done at the moment.

The US did not have to occupy korea. They did not have to outlaw the PRK. They did not have to install Rhee, who would go on to block reunification. They did not have to commit war crimes at Jeju. They did not have to air strike refugees at Nogeun-ri

>Talk about dictator, you know Kim Il-sung a dictator too,right?

Not particularly, no. The DPRK largely absorbed the PRK in the North, and there isn't much of any evidence to show that the election of Kim faced faced significant malfeasance. The same can't be said for Rhee. The 1948 South Korean Assembly election can hardly even be called such, considering how voting was held in the same manner as under Japanese colonial administration, where only landowners in populous areas could vote, and where single elders voted for entire villages.

>Millions of death or exile cause he want to "unify" Korea by war

Why did Kim want to unify Korea? Because the partition of the peninsula was facially illegitimate. Koreans clearly did not want it, seeing how they never voted to partition.

>He wants to be another Mao as he won the Chinese civil war. Do you know he purged the leadership of southern communist after PLA retake Pyongyang for him? And then he purged pro-soviet and pro-sino members to make his Kim dynasty.He called them spy from the south lul.

Narrativizing isn't going to get you anywhere. The USMGIK banned labor organization and the PRK. Rhee eradicated an entire island of opposition

>Both dictator was shit,but guess what? South nowaday is better than north thousands time.

Surely that has nothing to do with South Korea receiving the equivalent in US funding of several Marshal Plans, while the North received more bombs than the entirety of Europe during the second world war. What's the union situation in the South today?

Leaving the peninsula to its own devices and governance surely would have led to significantly better outcomes for both halves. The North wouldn't have been bombed to rubble and the south would have stumbled upon an at-least-vaguely stable leader far sooner than it has

>Even if US want to consult with PRK, do you think PRK wouldn't listen to Soviet?

Did the PRK have some supremely endowed obligation to not listen to the soviets? Considering the structure of the PRK, it almost surely would have aligned with the USSR, hence why the US spent so much time and effort installing a dictator in the south, smashing popular dissent in the south, and aiding and abetting in it's atrocities


t1_j9rz6li wrote

>While we probably should have done a vote:

An election wasn't needed. The Koreans already organized into a popular and sustaining government following Japanese surrender, the PRK. The USMGIK was explicitly tasked with eradicating it in the south, and formally outlawed it in December 1945. Some portions of it remained behind, especially on Jeju Island. These groups ended up protesting the 1948 sham election of Syngman Rhee, who responded with a self declared eradication campaign on the island, resulting in upwards of 100,000 civilians killed, injured or displaced.

In the North, the PRK remained in place and supported by the USSR until the 1948 election of Kim Il Sung, whereby the DPRK was proclaimed and the PRK committees were rolled into the Worker's Party of Korea.

>the USSR which controlled the North would have done a sham vote

There's no evidence of this, quite the contrary. The 1948 assembly elections in the South faced incredibly restrictive voter eligibility requirements. Only landowners were allowed to vote in populous areas, and single elder representatives voted on behalf of entire villages. The election was married by suppression and corruption. There's simply no evidence of corruption in the 1948 northern elections, which were open not just to North Koreans, but South Koreans as well

>A bad border does not justify invasion

Not a bad border, a partition imposed upon a people and maintained by a brutal dictator, his Japanese and sympathizing administrators, and the global imperial hegemon. Following the announcement of separate elections in early 1948, South Korea was already in an open state of civil war, with guerrillas fighting directly against ROK and occupying USMGIK troops. Large scale border clashes had already been commonplace by 1949, with South Korean troops making significant incursions across the border well before the Korean invasion of Korea. In the immediate runup to the invasion, South Korean forces had been stationed at Ogjin, which became one of the opening battles during the invasion. They had also captured Haeju, some 20 miles north of the 38th parallel

The war did not begin in 1950, it began prior even to 1948. The Korean invasion of Korea was simply an escalation in an existing civil war against an occupying force and it's collaborators, not unlike the American Revolution. Hell, the US didn't even care about the South Koreans. It deliberately bombed refugees fleeing from the violence during the 1950 offensive at Nogeun-ri. Some 400 South Korean refugees, nearly all women and children, were bombed and shot deliberately. The incident was covered up until 2001. And a South Korean commission found in 2008 evidence of nearly 200 other similar attacks on refugees by the US military


t1_j9se446 wrote

Lul, so you didn't even know the problem which is he started the war. Are you consider there's something like justified invasion war? Especially it's quite weak reason to do it.

American left the peninsula before Korean war so that's why Stalin approved Kim's action.

If invasion was successed, there would be a huge politicial purge and dissident.

Do you think there's no purge after CCP win the Chinese civil war?

North Korean people are starving to death today. And you're crying south didn't have strong union power.

There isn't much of crime evidence of early north korean election because North Korea still a dictatorship.There's no one could enter the border to investigate it.

I don't know. You keep avoiding the thing is Kim is a dictator too. At least South was a democracy now, they democratized with June Democracy Movement in 1987.

The demonstrations made by mass of people, unlike north Korea, did have even have a demonstration? Oops, I guess not. The mass of north Korean people couldn't have demonstration because of their government's totalitarian dictatorship ,not because they lived in heaven.

Are you sure you have your number right? U.S. dropped 1.6 million tons in the European theater, and they dropped 635,000 tons in Entire Korean war.( So naturally it included south Korean's territory)

South received aid from American, north did received aid from China and Soviet too.