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AwTekker t1_j9kbq0h wrote

There is a really cool book called The Red Atlas that shows how the Soviet Union made insanely detailed maps of every major city, military installation and bit of significant infrastructure in basically every NATO country back in the cold war. No particular reason to think they stopped just because of a change in management.


KenGriffinsBedpost t1_j9kpqqh wrote

Article on failure of initial convoy said they were using maps from 60s/70s that were missing entire towns.

If they didn't stop they sure weren't providing that Intel to their invasion forces.


AwTekker t1_j9l9owk wrote

The book goes on to talk about the tons of intentionally wrong maps of Soviet territory they produced and provided to the general public lol. Russian paranoia is not a new thing.


beechcraftmusketeer t1_j9kjvfh wrote

I agree with you on this. It’s totally crazy as dictators they are always looking over their shoulder and they should be holding the world hostage


ringobob t1_j9kkobw wrote

No doubt there was an interruption in service during the early 90s, but also no doubt KGB Putin got the trains running on time again.


ambulancisto t1_j9m6uau wrote

Soviet military maps are amazingly good. For a long time they were the absolute best my maps available of a lot of remote places around the world. They came on the market after the fall of the USSR, but I think you can find a lot of them online now, as they're rather out of date.


squidmanwillie t1_j9me5u2 wrote

Me using the map with my friends : “ok so it should be right next to the radio shack and just down the road from the blockbuster video”