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Reselects420 t1_j8xixoj wrote

According to the article, the UK’s offer is an entirely new engine designed specifically for India, and India owns it, produces it, and can decide itself whether to export it. I’m not sure if the US would be willing to match that, but it’s possible.


Startrail_wanderer t1_j905jk8 wrote

r/Ukraine bots in excruciating agony to see India have good relations with western countries


Patient-Lifeguard363 t1_j90arb7 wrote

I absolutely don't agree with this both US and UK should not give India anything related to military they will just go back to the same hole and buy Russian oil or worst give Russia engine parts that they are providing to them.


111122323353 t1_j90rqiu wrote

Seems there is quite a complex relationship with India.