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v8reddit t1_ja6xik2 wrote

What's the possible motive(s)?


aktivate74 t1_ja6xsou wrote

Money. Her family is affluent not his. It was noted she was planning to cut off financial support to the ex husband.


Intelligent_Bug6515 t1_ja81xl4 wrote

Ahhh, that makes total sense. Jesus, people can be just awful about money. Poor woman, I feel so bad for her. Cases like hers are why my family always told me to settle down with someone from a similar background.


[deleted] t1_ja7su9y wrote



Fib0112 t1_ja7thkf wrote

You know how I know you didn't read the article? Because it says HIS family was involved, not hers - his mom, dad and brother. It's legit insane that people comment without reading, for sure.


Grinsekatze101 t1_ja7tnhx wrote

His family was involved not hers, it's clearly stated in the article.


MrDowntempo t1_ja7u7z6 wrote

The ex husband's mother was mentioned in the article. I didn't see a mention of her parents.


nettnettlaces t1_jacqxf6 wrote

She was living in this 8mil property in a rich neighborhood with her ex husband and his family. When they separated she left the house to them and continued to support them financially. She even hired ex BIL as her private driver. She has recently decided to sell the 8mil property and said she will relocate them. Ex FIL wasn’t happy about this, ultimately masteminding the whole thing. Ex FIL, use to be a police but got fired when he got accused for rape.


v8reddit t1_jaeo8sv wrote

This sounds like choosing beggars at an extreme level.