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aktivate74 t1_ja6xsou wrote

Money. Her family is affluent not his. It was noted she was planning to cut off financial support to the ex husband.


Intelligent_Bug6515 t1_ja81xl4 wrote

Ahhh, that makes total sense. Jesus, people can be just awful about money. Poor woman, I feel so bad for her. Cases like hers are why my family always told me to settle down with someone from a similar background.


[deleted] t1_ja7su9y wrote



Fib0112 t1_ja7thkf wrote

You know how I know you didn't read the article? Because it says HIS family was involved, not hers - his mom, dad and brother. It's legit insane that people comment without reading, for sure.


Grinsekatze101 t1_ja7tnhx wrote

His family was involved not hers, it's clearly stated in the article.


MrDowntempo t1_ja7u7z6 wrote

The ex husband's mother was mentioned in the article. I didn't see a mention of her parents.