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dota2newbee t1_j9x6lhp wrote

Serious question. What approvals does Trudeau require to make such commitments? A large part of me says,

“fuck yeah, let’s help Ukraine however we can”.

Another part of me says.

“Let’s not lid of Russia and make ourselves a target”. Z


B-rad-israd t1_j9x9xmj wrote

Well they have a minority government but even then, all the parties seem on board with Supporting ukraine. Even the separatists


Hotchillipeppa t1_ja0cbbp wrote

2nd largest population outside of Ukraine is in Canada ,although many have been displaced from the war I wonder if that holds true still


B-rad-israd t1_ja0zv84 wrote

Definitely more in Europe now. But we also have been receiving Ukrainians here in Canada too.