autotldr t1_j9rtfxn wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)
> Boris Johnson has said China will be making an "Historic mistake" if it supplies Russia with weapons - as he urged the UK to "Break the ice" by becoming the first country to supply Ukraine with fighter jets.
> Mr Johnson appeared confident that Ukrainians would only use them to defend their country and encouraged the government to supply some of the UK military's Typhoon jets.
> Mr Johnson added he has "No doubt" Ukraine can recapture territory from Russia if it has fighter jets to take out their artillery positions and command and control centres.
Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Johnson^#1 Ukraine^#2 Putin^#3 Russia^#4 think^#5
lurq_king t1_j9rudyi wrote
Why is anyone still listening to this dirty dishrag?
[deleted] t1_j9rue2n wrote
macross1984 t1_j9rw9dl wrote
Boris is no longer in charge as far as China is concerned.
thesweeterpeter t1_j9ryztx wrote
He resigned in disgrace. Take his shit and walk off
[deleted] t1_j9rz220 wrote
JediTigger t1_j9rz2d1 wrote
Anything BoJo recommends causes me to question it. If he recommended breathing air I’d contemplate how to grow gills.
slingbladde t1_j9s0ebc wrote
Well, isn't he still a pompous ass..who tf would listen to him
[deleted] t1_j9s0qre wrote
[deleted] t1_j9s0uhj wrote
-_-deanIsee t1_j9s13fb wrote
I really don't agree with tanks and worst fighter jets they are not a good idea what the ukrainians gonna do take crimea and bomb moscow. This is escalating a regional war to something. Why not force the ukrianians to come down and give up crimea and guarantee water with a price and sort the situation with the donbass
PEVEI t1_j9s1t4e wrote
What would Ukraine stand go gain from that?
[deleted] t1_j9s2usy wrote
Musclecar123 t1_j9s4jle wrote
Go home Vlad, you’re drunk.
Venerable_Rival t1_j9s4qwg wrote
Boris did a lot of things (very very very) wrong, but his support for Ukraine was one of his best features. I'm not about to shit on a politician when they're advocating more arms for Ukraine.
I can shelf my personal opinion of that clown and respect what he's doing here.
CheesecakeMedium8500 t1_j9s4x39 wrote
It’s really not that simple.
[deleted] t1_j9s5uug wrote
Snake_Island_13 t1_j9s6mmk wrote
Because every once in a while, something is so obviously right, that even bozos like Boris and McConnell agree on it. And that gets clicks.
freemason85 t1_j9s6top wrote
And who's going to fly the jets? Doesn't training to become a fighter pilot take years? In all honesty the west should've started arming and training Ukrainians when Putin invaded Crimea. Now the west is playing catch up and it could be to late for Ukraine. Russia has a population of 140 million while Ukraine has a population of 40 million. The west is dragging it's feet with supplying Ukraine with all the weapons and training it needs to win. If the west acted swiftly in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea then things might have been different. I hope Ukraine wins but we all know Russia will just keep throwing their citizens into the meat grinder that is Ukraine and Ukraine is running low on ammo.
Full_Echo_3123 t1_j9s7er3 wrote
Speaking of historic mistakes, it's Boris Johnson!!
[deleted] t1_j9s8abn wrote
[deleted] t1_j9sa3l3 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9sbgzd wrote
OriginalSprinkles718 t1_j9sbrw7 wrote
What are u doing on reddit? Go fight for your cuntry!
maldobar4711 t1_j9sc2n0 wrote
Mr. Brexit knows what historical mistakes are...indeed indeed
Orphasmia t1_j9sdzsm wrote
It’s shameful the media hunts for ways to pump worth into worthless people.
blablabla456454 t1_j9se2q0 wrote
"As things stand, the British army would run out of ammunition within a few days if called upon to fight and would take up to 10 years to field a modern warfighting division of some 25,000 to 30,000 troops."
Is this true? What am I missing here. The Brits have no standing Army?
FKFnz t1_j9se8dc wrote
He will get conscripted shortly. Don't worry.
huhwhuh t1_j9sfbvh wrote
A broken clock is right twice in a day aye?
MonoGreenFanBoy t1_j9sfd0l wrote
Hes a pompous prat but he's steadfast defence of Ukraine when everyone else was still reluctant is respectable. You can both dislike a man on his bad decisions and respect the good ones he makes
BecomePnueman t1_j9sg2yo wrote
If you thought world war III wasn't going to happen you are really late. The thing is we are going to fucking win. America has so much hidden tech it's fucking crazy. I've seen the shit with my own eyes that people think are UFO's. Why else would we be so fucking confident?
[deleted] t1_j9sh9r6 wrote
3_50 t1_j9siqk5 wrote
> the west should've started arming and training Ukrainians when Putin invaded Crimea.
>The previous Operation Orbital saw the UK train more than 22,000 Ukrainian personnel from 2015 until the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The new programme would train forces outside of the country.
Ivanow t1_j9sj627 wrote
UK’s army is an afterthought. Being island nation, they focus on naval power instead. Such approach worked for them for centuries.
jeremy9931 t1_j9sjqvj wrote
The UK is incredibly unlikely to ever get into another major land war so they’ve been hyper focused on naval power.
buttwh0l t1_j9skvcd wrote
Chinas economy is hanging in the balance. They know the strings are very short. If they cant play with other civilized countries, theyre screwed.
CraftyArmitage t1_j9slcgd wrote
You absolutely can
[deleted] t1_j9slnt9 wrote
Troubleshooter11 t1_j9smnwg wrote
Even a broken clock is right twice a day. And his stance on the Ukrainian war was right in my eyes.
nznordi t1_j9smsrn wrote
I mean you have to hand it to him, that’s his topic, afterall, he is the personification of a historic mistake.
[deleted] t1_j9snqnv wrote
MyRolexSubmariner t1_j9snz4d wrote
Historically, China had been on the receiving end of western/japan invasions. Not quite sure he is sending the appropriate message
ConfidentMetal3678 t1_j9so6qp wrote
No you haven't. Nice LARP though.
ASD_Detector_Array t1_j9soqyc wrote
Brexit was put to a referendum by David Cameron, and voted for by the British public. David Cameron then stepped down. While the referendum did not represent a binding mandate, subsequent leaders faced a choice between fulfilling the will of the public, and fulfilling the will of suspiciously one-sided social media platforms.
captainbruisin t1_j9spscr wrote
It's all a facade. Ask the production staffs.
bunico t1_j9sq1ol wrote
“Historic mistake” is something he really knows about.
custard_doughnuts t1_j9sqqp1 wrote
What jets can we send Boris? We don't have jets idle to send.
He just fucking says whatever is in his head.
custard_doughnuts t1_j9sqyl8 wrote
He's still a lying, corrupt scumbag who only looks out for himself (see Brexit)
[deleted] t1_j9sr0ft wrote
phigo50 t1_j9stw3l wrote
One of the bad ones presumably being to blame the EU for Russia's 2014 annexation of Crimea. Yes, he's right but Ukraine is "the thing that gives him opportunities to run his mouth" at the moment, it's all too easy to stand on the sidelines and shout about what the UK needs to do when he has no responsibility or capability to actually deliver it.
synthdrunk t1_j9sv6ya wrote
Non-binding footgun and instead of engaging the safety and dropped the mag they switched to full auto. No good actors anywhere in that process.
[deleted] t1_j9sv8ju wrote
Pegelius t1_j9svoxt wrote
Boris sure knows a thing or two about 'historic mistake's..
criminal_cabbage t1_j9svwj2 wrote
Despite the fact he decimated the UKs armed forces, cut tank order and jet orders meaning we don't have any equipment to send to Ukraine.
The guy is a self serving charlatan that has tied himself to this conflict only for the betterment of himself.
He blamed the initial invasion of Crimea in 2014 on the European Union, not Russia. It suited him to blame the EU then so he did
He is also circling the leadership in his party in case he fancies another go. If he pressures the PM to do something stupid and it blows up in his face, that is his ideal situation
[deleted] t1_j9sw18v wrote
[deleted] t1_j9sxi6y wrote
rm-rd t1_j9syg5y wrote
IMO the most escalatory thing that can happen is the war drags on, without giving Putin an excuse to back out.
The evil NATO jets (as Russia will probably call them) could both shorten the war (thus fewer lives lost on both sides) and give Putin a scapegoat for his loss.
MrPloppyHead t1_j9syt41 wrote
[deleted] t1_j9syw9k wrote
Dragonbuttboi69 t1_j9szs1b wrote
Well what do you know, Alexander is right for once.
PornHippo t1_j9szwaw wrote
Send jets and then what? Logistics is a thing. They will need maintenance, ammo, pilots. You can't just give them away without the recipient having a way to deal with everything that comes with it.
Johnson is such slimy bastard who will say anything to appeal to the masses.
TaigTyke t1_j9t05w6 wrote
He is like Churchill, TBF. A corrupt warhawk.
Unfortunately, sometimes that is exactly who you need.
KiwiPsy t1_j9t0r9n wrote
Tbf. Probably wise not to keep fucking with the West if they wanna avoid further conflicts
knobber_jobbler t1_j9t18b7 wrote
He knows full well the UK can't send any. He's an idiot try to play to the crowd. It doesn't have any it can send and if it did, it would need permission from several other countries to do so. It's not going to give is tranche 1 Eurofighters away which are the next up to be retired. All the Tornados are scrapped. Harriers are now owned by the USMC. Jaguars are scrapped. Hawk t1s would be useless.
AMeasuredBerserker t1_j9t1ef0 wrote
He decimated the UK armed forces? Boy is it obvious how young some of these commenters are.
Iraq war?
All the equipment that has already been sent? Doesn't count?
Can you honestly not separate your hatred for someone, even when what they are doing is right? You don't have to like him but you have to recognise correct decisions when they are made.
[deleted] t1_j9t28zr wrote
SmileHappyFriend t1_j9t3pr4 wrote
Reddit mission to not shoehorn Brexit into any story involving the UK - Failed
nonrandomusername17 t1_j9t3sb6 wrote
I have. It was called a balloon.
nonrandomusername17 t1_j9t4e4j wrote
> He decimated the UK armed forces?
Decimate comes from latin, to kill every tenth man.
9500/82000 = 11.6%
So yes, Boris did decimate the military.
NotaRussianbott89 t1_j9t4ebn wrote
I think we have to look at the fact that if we send a load of jets over are Ukrainian pilots going to be able to fly them . Our jets are very different to there’s . So does that mean we have to send instructors. Having people on the ground ? Then do they have parts and personal to maintain these jets ? It’s not like we sent some jets and the next day they are shooting down Russian.
mimiohmimi t1_j9t5bq0 wrote
Go Boris.
AMeasuredBerserker t1_j9t5smf wrote
Conviently ignoring the more up-to-date and modern equipment that has been received and changes post Ukraine? Interesting view you have there.
And I didn't realise we were going to go back to the original Latin meaning of the word when the english version is far more common.
How to twist an argument 101.
Normal_Literature560 t1_j9t64h2 wrote
Joke of the week
369_Clive t1_j9t7eet wrote
Poland was originally going to send Russian jets in exchange for new US-made ones. That is the best plan if jets are going to be sent.
Sending Typhoons is a ridiculous idea: we don't have spare jets, Ukrainian pilots don't know how to fly them, there are no trained maintenance crews etc. Apart from these issues it's a great idea.
mrtn17 t1_j9t7khw wrote
Boris Johnson talking about a 'historic mistake' reminds me of another historic mistake
FragrantKnobCheese t1_j9t84it wrote
> Despite the fact he decimated the UKs armed forces, cut tank order and jet orders meaning we don't have any equipment to send to Ukraine.
Most of that happened before he was PM. Still his party though.
NotAPreppie t1_j9t8zcy wrote
I doubt he'd advocate for sending fighter jets if he were still PM.
Being a spectator gives you much greater freedom to advocate for various things.
Also, he's bucking for NATO leadership role.
FancyMan_ t1_j9t99q9 wrote
The turd that won't flush. Wish this cunt would just fuck off
[deleted] t1_j9tac65 wrote
routledgewm t1_j9tan2u wrote
He just needs to stop now. He left his position in disgrace. He didn't leave because he wanted to. He is a shambles of a man. Fucking his side piece whilst his wife was having cancer treatment sums him up. Ukraine don't need people like him trying to help.
Deathdar1577 t1_j9tangh wrote
Someone get that guy a haircut and teach him how to do his tie.
[deleted] t1_j9taq6h wrote
[deleted] t1_j9tb9of wrote
lollypatrolly t1_j9tbh7l wrote
> There is an actual reason why nations have been hesitant to give Ukraine fighter jets.
The actual reason is lack of political will. His suggestion is directly designed to deal with this, by taking initiative and paving the way for timid nations (the US, Germany) to follow.
>and even then it's not necessarily clear they would be the determining factor in making gains
There is no single weapon or system that will win a war by itself, that's not how war works. Modern fighter jets will give Ukraine capabilities that they didn't have before though, providing a sizeable advantage in both air defense and giving them the option of using western stand-off munitions.
>rather than a provocation that takes the war to the next level.
This is pure Russian propaganda. There is no possible "next level", Russia is already trying as hard as it can to win the war.
[deleted] t1_j9tc1ls wrote
lollypatrolly t1_j9tcobz wrote
> They end up being used to push the war into Russia forcing a much more desperate defensive Russian escalation.
Pushing the war into Russia is a purely good thing, Ukraine needs to strike military assets on the Russian side in order to win the war. It's unambiguously good and there are no downsides.
>The ability to project into Russia increases Russia's willingness to retaliate openly or covertly against the nation giving the jet-- potentially forcing the escalation to full world war.
Russia lacks the capability to "retaliate", and they lack the casus belli as well. There is zero chance they do anything to the west no matter what type of weapon Ukraine is given. And they're already doing everything they possibly can to Ukraine, there's no further step in the escalation ladder.
>and I'm sure the world's top diplomats can't compare to your genius
The world's top diplomats and military leaders all agree with me on this.
>but there's some pretty obvious ways that this could create blowback
No, there's no possibility of weapon deliveries to Ukraine creating "blowback" from Russia. The only type of blowback you might see is in domestic politics, where you might lose the votes of fearful idiot voters. And even then that might only happen in a select few countries, considering citizens of most western nations overwhelmingly support the cause.
lollypatrolly t1_j9td5qm wrote
>while you say that Russia isn't capable of causing even more destruction in the region.
Their military is fully committed, there's nothing else they can do.
Notice that Ukraine is asking for all these things and are not worrying about "escalation". Strange, huh?
These delusional Putin propagandists whinging about "escalation" are on the other hand completely safe.
[deleted] t1_j9tdcqt wrote
[deleted] t1_j9tdn3t wrote
Kat-Shaw t1_j9te25g wrote
Historic mistakes and China go hand-in-hand though.
Give is 5 years and Xi will have everyone running pig-iron furnaces and killing half the birds.
Mandurang76 t1_j9tesau wrote
In Iraq the Americans had a nickname for the British Army: "The borrowers".
Groxy_ t1_j9tgb8g wrote
That's an English definition of decimate too... They literally just used the word correctly and you're spouting shit about them twisting the argument, while twisting the argument.
How to twist an argument 101, for real.
ReformedWiggles t1_j9tgvq5 wrote
The only historic mistake to be made here is showing weakness.
Putin needs to be kicked back to the slums he came from so any illusion he had about being able to expand Russia is dispelled.
Doobie-D2000 t1_j9tie9s wrote
He's very interesting. I honestly believe he is a pompous fool, but I think his public show of intense support for Ukraine now and when he was PM is very telling. He seems like the type of guy that's chasing getting his name in the history books but in a good light. He has realized being the champion of defense for Ukraine and for the UK to lead support in arms for Europe is a sure fire way to get Churchill vibes in the long term view.
It doesn't matter if the jets they send are useless. It will start a Domino effect and everyone will then send jets.
Look at America. Nobody would send leopard tanks until America sent Abrahams. Ukraine doesn't need Abraham tanks. They are logistically a nightmare when combined with all their other tanks. They are essentially "useless".
TMBonine t1_j9tivcw wrote
Boris is a cunt. Comparisons to Churchill are laughable. But you folks curtsey to Chuck the Imbecilic, so there ya go....
knobber_jobbler t1_j9tk6d6 wrote
Absolutely. Right now the history books will show him as philandering idiot who presided over the greatest foreign policy blunder - only comparable with Chamberlain, the tens of thousands of COVID dead and the repeated corruption surrounding him and the Tories. He's desperate to rectify his image. Unfortunately for him, the internet exists.
[deleted] t1_j9tmbmt wrote
Greyhaven7 t1_j9tnc5b wrote
Why is this chode still speaking? And why is anyone listening?
Shut up and go away, Brexit boy.
Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tnl44 wrote
Seriously, every thread about the UK has at least 1 person bringing it up regardless of topic.
Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tnswl wrote
Arent they training pilots already? I remember reading something about that.
Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9toqy1 wrote
I hope most of these comments hating on Boris are bots, he's keeping Ukraine in the media and putting pressure on governments to act. He's doing exactly what Zelenskyy wants and for some reason everyones shitting on him.
Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tp824 wrote
Britain to train Ukraine combat fighter pilots
British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has committed to training Ukrainian combat jet pilots, according to a statement made ahead of a Feb. 8 visit to London by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.
texasipguru t1_j9tpg91 wrote
pickled_ricks t1_j9tpwmx wrote
And two hours later, China announced its hardest stance against the war since the beginning.
Boris did it! He ended the war!
[deleted] t1_j9tq0de wrote
Why is this drunko mumbling fatso still talking? I call in Boris to lose 40-50 pounds before talking
PuterstheBallgagTsar t1_j9tq3rn wrote
> subsequent leaders faced a choice between fulfilling the will of the public, and fulfilling the will of suspiciously one-sided social media platforms
actually the will of the public was a reflection of the Russian trolls who dominated the social media platforms
PuterstheBallgagTsar t1_j9tq7v0 wrote
Ukraine can park them next to the Abrams
Remarkable_Soil_6727 t1_j9tqbkq wrote
I believe they also have 100 Typhoon jets, even if a handful of them are in working order is still directs the heat at the UK breaking the taboo so others can send theirs.
swissthrow1 t1_j9tqkxw wrote
What about his dodgy dealings with russians without any officials present?
Dr-Didalot t1_j9trbtk wrote
What happened to not sending offensive weapons? Are we willing to pump gas on this global game of chicken .
AMeasuredBerserker t1_j9trknv wrote
Are you honestly being for real? If someone says they are decimated or something is decimated, do they mean "I've lost 1/10?" In the traditional Latin meaning of the word?
Most people dont even know it is Latin let alone that it means 1/10!
This is twisting the argument. And it's only a reflection of absolute numbers! Not if they are using better equipment etc, like is mentioned in the goddam article alot of the money is going to Trident renewal which perhaps even more important than having a couple thousand rifles!
Want to twist and move the goalposts again?
rendrr t1_j9trpu9 wrote
Boris talks a lot lately.
AMeasuredBerserker t1_j9ts4xo wrote
Iraq was 20 years ago! And its the whole point I'm making! UK armed forces have only gotten incrementally better since then, anyone who works in defence knows this.
Numbers aren't everything, something Ukraine is arguably prooving?
notapolita t1_j9tt3lb wrote
The historic mistake warns China against historic mistake.
Card_Zero t1_j9tt5l8 wrote
This argument about words is distracting from the interesting point about whether or not Boris decreed military cutbacks (and if so, why). However, Wiktionary has both uses:
> (loosely) To devastate
> (proscribed) To reduce to one-tenth
and all the quotations in the latter case include some extra words like "to one-tenth" to make sure it's understood literally. In summary: whatever.
TybrosionMohito t1_j9tts73 wrote
Abrahams lol
AMeasuredBerserker t1_j9tv0jo wrote
I can quite literally google the word and find this:
>Learn to pronounce
>past tense: decimated; past participle: decimated
- ​
>kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of.
>"the inhabitants of the country had been decimated"
>kill one in every ten of (a group of people, originally a mutinous Roman legion) as a punishment for the whole group.
>"the man who is to determine whether it be necessary to decimate a large body of mutineers"
Im interested why you put the one source, Wikitionary, the tried and tested! as the only example above all others.
But as you so eloquently put it, because it doesn't validate your point, "Whatever" you will twist it any which way to make you right.
Doobie-D2000 t1_j9txxfq wrote
Oops! Haha
Card_Zero t1_j9txy5o wrote
I don't think Brexit was awful, and I'm not certain history books will paint it as a disaster. Currently it's seen as awful because of economic impact and because of the desire to have a strong Europe to oppose Russia, along with the insinuation that Russia was trying to engineer the breakup of Europe. However, a United States of Europe would also have been a bad thing. Unions, federations, and so on are tricky because minimal collaboration between equals is ideal and maximal central government is what tends to emerge. I know it seems irrelevant in the current climate, post-covid and with Russia rampaging around, but Brexit had an overlooked role as a backlash against that.
(It's a valid role if you're troubled by giant octopus-like central governments, I mean. Not everybody is, and I know this is an unpopular opinion, as will now be redundantly demonstrated by downvotes. It is however an aspect of the picture.)
Doobie-D2000 t1_j9ty0gd wrote
Lincoln sends his regards.
knobber_jobbler t1_j9tzhq1 wrote
Every economist and diplomat disagrees with you. Brexit is a financial and diplomatic disaster for the UK. There is no United States of Europe and the UK would have no say in stopping it now anyway. In fact the UK leaving will likely increase ties between EU countries going forwards. We've shot ourselves in both feet.
Card_Zero t1_j9u0jyb wrote
I'm not the same person you were talking to previously, I don't have to be right to prove any point, and in fact I acknowledge I'm wrong about everything most of the time. I just happen to like Wiktionary, it's my go-to.
I don't know about Cambridge Dictionary, but Merriam-Webster have a page of notes about this particular "problem word". acknowledge that the "devastate" usage has been criticized. My feeling is that the one-in-ten usage (probably popular in Victorian times when every user of long words knew Latin) has had an upsurge in popularity over the last decade or so due to people on the internet being anal about it.
[deleted] t1_j9u0z5g wrote
Horror_Ad_1587 t1_j9u17js wrote
The time for the great reset has begun. The West has to win.
knobber_jobbler t1_j9u1j86 wrote
No, I read it all. I just absolutely disagree with your sentiment.
AMeasuredBerserker t1_j9u1u1n wrote
Fair enough, I'll dial down the criticism a little, but it really did feel like you were looking for a reason that it mean 1/10th rather than using the material immediately confronted with if you googled said word. Respected dictionaries all specific state that the "1/10" meaning is historic.
I know my friends wouldn't know decimate is 1/10 and would roll my eyes if I explained its historic useage vs what everyone uses it for, but you are probably right with your last point.
Card_Zero t1_j9u2gju wrote
Could you be a little less absolute about it, at all?
PanzerKomadant t1_j9u2l1a wrote
And he also wants to be NATO chief now apparently.
UncleGrga t1_j9u3t6c wrote
The fact they’ve convinced you he’s worthless is also them doing their job.
(Not defending him, but clearly from this thread his very existence keeps some redditors up at night)
BecomePnueman t1_j9u5i7b wrote
What a cocky take from a stranger on the internet. Also, LARP? Do you even know the definitions of the words you type?
[deleted] t1_j9u7353 wrote
mayasky76 t1_j9u8vna wrote
I..... I think I love you.
Nothing gets my goat more than stupid people implying decimation means complete destruction of something.
You still have 90% of your army after it's been decimated FFS
SAGreer t1_j9ucwh1 wrote
Who is this loser and he needs a haircut. Looks like the dude who flushed England out of Europe and screwed everyone in the process.
369_Clive t1_j9udemw wrote
I think it's more that he simply doesn't / cannot handle details: BJ is headlines kind of guy.
Details like pilots, ammo, maintenance are boring "details for the backroom boffins". One reason Brexit remains a mess: he couldn't get his head round all the complexities. Not a trait you want in a PM 🤦♂️
Arpikarhu t1_j9uox9k wrote
Just like that, with no other info, im gonna assume sending jets is a bad idea
FatherSlippyfist t1_j9uplfs wrote
The meaning of words is given by usage. Lots of us know the origin of decimate, but it doesn't matter because that's not what it means anymore. If you look in Oxford, it says "kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of".
It list the one in ten definition as "historical".
ASD_Detector_Array t1_j9uqkpz wrote
It's ok to question the results of a vote.
M17CH t1_j9uqva1 wrote
In modern usage it has a different meaning. I wonder if you subscribe to this same thought for the phrase "well-regulated."
Also let's not act like you aren't saying this because you saw the TIL from a couple days ago.
mayasky76 t1_j9uqwfk wrote
When you go to the doctor for an appendectomy you'd better hope some cunt hasn't been using it as a slang term for castration...
Also.. literally cannot mean exactly the opposite of figuratively which is how it gets commonly used.... thats not changing the meaning, its getting it fucking wrong
2+2 = Geoff hurst in the 1966 world cup kinda wrong.
Words HAVE to have a defined meaning or you just end up at green wallaby .
Get just the first thing that will still!
M17CH t1_j9ur0ug wrote
That's not really how decimate is used in modern language, but go off though.
mayasky76 t1_j9urjj4 wrote
Wtf are you talking about....
You think I.... a 47yr old British person with a BBC accent you wouldn't belive, someone who actually had Latin lessons in school..... need a reddit TIL to learn the meaning of the word decimate.
Sigh.... dei gratia sum quod sum eh!
We also know what well regulated means. We have a dictionary over here.
looogs t1_j9utg3l wrote
Boris is giving a broken clock a run for it's money!
M17CH t1_j9uxuqr wrote
>need a reddit TIL to learn the meaning of the word decimate.
Yes. Historical meaning btw, not current.
>Sigh.... dei gratia sum quod sum eh!
Posting a phrase in Latin anonymously behind a screen is proof of absolutely nothing.
>We also know what well regulated means. We have a dictionary over here.
So then you would acknowledge that "well-regulated" in the historical sense is not prescribing heavy restrictions.
Either way, you're purposely using a long out of favour definition for a "gotcha" moment.
TheNBGco t1_j9v4dro wrote
Whats the warning for China? What mistake ?
ledow t1_j9v4ywc wrote
Sssshh, muppet-hair, let the adults decide.
There'll be one along any minute.
M17CH t1_j9v8oog wrote
It's not about being anonymous, that's the standard.
It's about thinking that posting a single phrase that you could have simply googled is proof at all of your ability to read, write, or speak Latin.
But you already know that. You're just trying to avoid it.
thaiatom t1_j9vb7cn wrote
Someone needs to make the call and tell Putin “You have until 4pm, eastern standard time, to get yo shit the fuck out of Ukraine. At 4:01 Anything Russian inside of Ukraine will cease to be!”
[deleted] t1_j9vcv3a wrote
daltonicrainbow t1_j9vfuvd wrote
Says the guy who can produce lineal art with a polygraph. He will sell his soul(if any) to have attention...
daniel_22sss t1_j9vvhaq wrote
Honestly, if I would take all of these claims on face value, it would sound like NATO and USA don't have anything working that could be sent, and god knows how these militaries even exist. UK "doesn't have anything", France "doesn't have anything", Germany "doesn't have anything", USA for some reason can only give 20 HIMARS and 31 Abrams... Nobody has enough artillery and ammo for it... Its like, geez guys. What even is NATO military? In the first Gulf War all of you had so much stuff, and now it feels like nobody has anything and Ukraine is getting last scraps.
Glivcth t1_j9vy5a0 wrote
Are u serious do you want a world war lmao
FarawayFairways t1_j9vz6zn wrote
> And he also wants to be NATO chief now apparently.
Because of his organisational skills, studious attention to detail, subtle diplomatic nuances, commitment to multi-national alliances, deep military background and experience, uncorruptible track record of refusing Russian finance, and his discipline in handling sensitive documentation that he doesn't leave lying around on the sofa of the Downing Street flat
knobber_jobbler t1_j9vztwi wrote
In 1991 the cold war had just ended. The UK was still fielding jets built in the 50s. It has Buccaneers, Phantoms, Jaguars, Tornados etc. Today the RAF is quite literally bare bones. If you've read various defence journals over the last decade you'll have seen the Harrier force cut to free up cash for Tornado. Tornado scrapped for a Eurofighter upgrade. F35 numbers slashed etc. Typhoons were being stripped for parts to keep others flying etc. Tranche 1 is to be scrapped after only 20 years of service and not upgraded. 20 years is nothing for a jet that has a considerable service life. The UK quite literally has no jets to give away. It's not like you can just give away modern, complicated hardware anyway as it needs a complete support and logistics service. It's not as simple as sending over some tanks made in the 60s where all you need is some ammunition and an instruction manual that hasn't changed in principle since the 30s.
PanzerKomadant t1_j9w1kxu wrote
At first I was like “your not serious are you?” And as I kept on reading asking your comment I started to chuckle.
AniTaneen t1_j9w25x5 wrote
I swear, he has done more work in one week out of office than he did in two months at number 10.
There was a time when Boris showing up at a meeting made headlines.
Millenniauld t1_j9waf3f wrote
Id est quod est, people like him will always think that education means "saw a meme on reddit" because it's the only way they know anything.
Intruder313 t1_j9wbvpp wrote
When people use 'decimate' incorrectly I educate them.
M17CH t1_j9wfn5c wrote
They aren't using it incorrectly. It has taken on a new meaning in the modern world. The historical definition is not the "correct" way to use it.
FingerDrinker t1_j9whmx5 wrote
Dark Boris arc 😭
mistertickertape t1_j9wlvzj wrote
Boris Johnson is a donkey that needs to stfu.
M17CH t1_j9wysa4 wrote
>I see you have been googling English then you clever clever bastard... no let me guess you've been writing in esperanto and using Google translate for English.... naughty naughty
>Some. People. Still .know Latin you muppet
Yes of course. Also please be nice.
>I did my amo, amas, amat at school and you probably know some like E plurubus unum. Or deus ex machina. There are commonly known Latin phrases and I can almost be certain that everyone i went to school with know dei gratia sum quod sum as it was said every frigging day in assembly.
I don't know any Latin.
>I even know a bit of Welsh too and some mandarin... how is that even possible
Good question.
>Jesus, you do know that people out there in the world know different stuff from you?
I just find it a funny coincidence that there are so many experts on the origins and historical definition of the word "decimate" mere days after a popular post about just that word. If you had that in your data banks before then, then I am happy for you. It is still weirdly elitist and not even really all that accurate to consider that historical definition of "decimate" as the correct usage in the modern day. It isn't used that way anymore. It has taken on a new meaning. To say someone is incorrect for using it another way is not really true.
>stupid people implying decimation means complete destruction of something
People are not stupid for using the more recent and culturally accurate definition of the word. Please be nicer.
I_Am_NOT_The_Titan t1_j9x7wg2 wrote
humpherman t1_j9xn8u8 wrote
Why is anyone even paying attention to him about anything.
[deleted] t1_j9y8lbp wrote
[deleted] t1_j9yjbbv wrote
[deleted] t1_j9ypscy wrote
[deleted] t1_j9rt8db wrote