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t1_j9zuem0 wrote

Agreed. Russia will stab India in the back as soon as it sees advantage.

I admit that I don’t stay on top of Indian news, but I do pay attention.

I understand the short term desire for cheap oil & gas and cheap Russian arms. This thinking is short sighted. India is doing lasting damage to its relationships with western democracies.

When push comes to shove, which countries might actually come to India’s defense. It’s the west.

Modi’s government takes the relations with the west for granted.

Many in the west are paying attention and aren’t happy with Indian selfishness.


t1_j9zxlz2 wrote

> I do pay attention.


>When push comes to shove, which countries might actually come to India’s defense. It’s the west.



t1_j9zy9hl wrote

>When push comes to shove, which countries might actually come to India’s defense. It’s the west.

Not trying to sound like an asshole here, but this line tells me you have absolutely no idea about the geopolitics in the South Asia region and the history of relations between the West and India. It's almost a laughably bad take.

You also seem to think that a non Modi govt would not maintain a relationship with Russia, which is also wildly incorrect.


t1_j9zzb17 wrote

Swing and a miss. I have a deep understanding of Asian and Indian history.

Resorting to ad hominem attacks reveals much.

You are probably embarrassed by Modi’s actions and can’t admit it.

The point is, for whatever rationale Modi thinks it’s a good idea to side with Russia, it’s a morally bankrupt position.

Democracies must aid democracies. It’s not complicated.


t1_ja04fwo wrote

>Swing and a miss. I have a deep understanding of Asian and Indian history.

I mean, both of your claims which I highlighted in my previous comment are completely untrue and can be disproven with a couple of google searches.


t1_ja07zi4 wrote

Their relationships with Western democracies are at an all-time high right now. Also, they might be closer to and care more about democracies like Japan, Israel, and in Southeast Asia than us in North America or Europe. There's a significant overlap with their BFFs and at least America's BFFs.

I've been reading more about them after Reddit has become filled with extreme rants about them, and I have to disagree that the countries that might actually come to India's defense would be any sort of collective West. Just off the top of my head:

  • They fought the British Empire for their independence and beat them to practice democracy, and lost over 100 million lives in that process. We didn't help them.
  • They fought against a Portuguese dictatorship and beat them. We didn't help them.
  • They've fought 3 or 4 wars with Pakistan and beat them. We didn't help them.
  • They fought a war with China and lost. We didn't help them.

They've been recovering from a civilization-scale apocalypse following the departure of the British Empire, fought in multiple wars in such a short time against despotic regimes. Yet they're still around. We have to give them some credit instead of pretending that the West is some savior when they've been left on their own and deal with so much in the short history of their country.