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Mk018 t1_jac04p4 wrote

Stop beating around the bush and say it clearly: in your opinion, what justification does russia have? Because ukraine isn't invading russia. In fact, ukraine has been doing nothing but defending itself for 9 years now. Ever since the invasion of crimea in 2014. Meanwhile, russia has been waging war on its neighbours for the past 30 years. Georgia, Moldova, Chechnya, Dagestan, Ukraine etc. It has been nothing but the aggressor.

So tell me, what righteous reason does russia have? What has ukraine done that justifies this invasion?

Btw, russia just renounced china's peace proposal, claiming there will be no peace talks unless russia is controlling the ukrainian territories. So like we all knew already, this is just another land grab by putin and all his excuses were nothing but lies.


Additional-Resort-28 t1_jac27jf wrote

Supplying more ammunition and weapons isn’t making the situation better for anyone except those who benefit from the money. Ultimately wars are not good for anyone else. People with fixed mindset are scary and incorrigible. I rest my case.


Mk018 t1_jac3k0k wrote

Ah so you don't just have no justification for russias warmongering, you actively support it. After all supplying weapons and ammunition does make the situation better by allowing ukraine to defend itself. Taking that away from them means helping russia. Not intervening means supporting russia. It's that simple.

But what did I expect from a 1 month old account with like 8 comments or whatever.