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EnhancerSpecialist t1_ja29giz wrote

Canada isn't a country, it's a fly over piece of land that'll be owned by americans once water becomes a commodity


Excuse t1_ja2lhb1 wrote

Ouch, it seems like your entire profile is batting for China and Canada, and some other countries are living rent-free with how angry they make you.


EnhancerSpecialist t1_ja47slg wrote

truth hurts the fragile canadian ego

> some other countries

That's funny given how 50% of the posts on rcanada are about china


Spare-Control-5233 t1_ja5rrpr wrote

It’s actually a beautiful country who’s cultural diversity goes back centuries, you are one of the “flyover” students from class raising their hand with the intention of being disruptful while the instructor does their very best to find someone, anyone, else to answer for the class.