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Truth_is_Liberal t1_j9q9nho wrote

You could clearly afford a house ($350k+) if you'd stop eating avocado toast every morning ($55k over 30 years if you're being wasteful and careless with shopping). The math clearly checks out.

This is the kind of dumb shit that stupid people in the US always fall for. They never just do the basic math, which would show that the everyday expenses of the average person are tiny compared to the methods by which the rich extract wealth from us.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_j9r4p3x wrote

And even when you show them how the wealth and income gap has grown exponentially since the 70s, they can't even wrap their little brainwashed head around it.


cantfocuswontfocus t1_j9rb045 wrote

No they just move the goalposts. They say they earned it fair and square and if countered with more evidence they say well you’re just jealous.

They’re temporarily embarrassed billionaires, after all.


PM_ME_A_PLANE_TICKET t1_j9reyuq wrote

Ah yes that is a popular tactic!

I think a lot of them believe their own bs though, is what I meant.


cantfocuswontfocus t1_j9s2g55 wrote

In their mind they’re a few years off from becoming the next Bezos or Musk. In reality, they may be a few medical emergencies away from homelessness