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almightySapling t1_jeas7fq wrote

It was already a losing battle just due to the time cost of debunking things over the internet.

I'm hopeful we will adapt. I mean, it wasn't that long ago that I remember being told to never trust what you see on the internet. That never really stopped being good advice, soon it will be gospel.


ssshield t1_jebd1rt wrote

Gen X here. Our parents always drilled into our head in the seventies and eighties to never believe everything you see on television.

Those same parents now believe everything they see on television AND the Internet.

Power of propaganda and media control by propagandists.


metalkhaos t1_jebhrb5 wrote

Can confirm, even the 80's and 90's it was you can't believe everything you see on TV and eventually the internet. And yet these people just eat up all that slop without second thought.


shkeptikal t1_jec9e4b wrote

When I was a kiddo in the 90s, it was common knowledge that the two types of people who were always lying and never to be trusted were lawyers and politicians. Now we're here. Though tbf, the same kids who hid under their schooldesks from potential Russian nukes grew up and are now saying Putin isn't such a bad guy so....yeah.

Propaganda works.


ChrisTheHurricane t1_jebzklp wrote

My dad is a baby boomer and he recalls his dad telling him "Believe only half of what you see and nothing of what you hear."


CanuckInTheMills t1_jecywa0 wrote

Boomer here… I never stopped critical thinking. Just…so ….. you….know /s


ssshield t1_jefw1i9 wrote

Yeah I grew up with cool boomers that were and are sharp and aware of reality.

We have our own shitheads in every generation unfortunately.


BalancedPortfolio t1_jedsmq9 wrote

The best advice is to always use good sources, in university and college I was always taught that the quality of the source is what mattered most.

The internet is no different, I usually grade information based on what organisation or person said it and in relation to the political context.

Random people on Twitter isn’t going to cut it.