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RandomBananaHamac t1_jd73lbg wrote

You can't compare 15 years of Napoleonic regime to several hundred years of hatred.


uoco t1_jd7gaff wrote

Sure, then you've got hundreds of years of wars in europe to choose from besides napoleon, from hundred year war, thirty year war, ottoman-byzantine wars, russia-swedish wars, russia-polish wars, anglo-french wars, anglo-spanish wars, belgian wars, saxon wars, war of the roses etc.

There was several hundred years of hatred in europe too.


RandomBananaHamac t1_jd7kgpd wrote

Yes, but those are not two countries singled out. This is a whole continent full of countries. If you want to make a somewhat similar comparison you could take England and France. Even then, there was no genocide between those two and no enslaving each other so it's not really the same situation.