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Throwaway08080909070 t1_jefm6ef wrote

Armenia needs to wake up and realize that Russia is their enemy, not their guarantor of safety, and seek allies elsewhere.


CanadianRaconteur t1_jefnlh7 wrote

Russians aren’t safe in Russia.

Russia is everyone’s enemy, including their own. Literally the biggest threat to Russia is Russian choices.

Armenia can’t be that blind at this point I’m hoping lol.


averagebenzdriver t1_jeglnub wrote

It's not that Armenia is blind, it's that there are too many Russian propogandaists and pro-Russian politicians inside of the country. Besides, Armenia can't join NATO because they application will just be vetoed by Turkey. Right now Armenia is stuck in a political alignment mess.


gonzar09 t1_jefx1q0 wrote

Could their recent pact with Greece have anything to do with this?


averagebenzdriver t1_jeglt8y wrote

Actually, I think that the main cause of this was that Armenia agreed to arrest Putin if he ever sets foot on Armenian soil.


Throwaway08080909070 t1_jefx8cr wrote

That very well could be, Armenia and Greece share a common enemy in Turkey after all, and Russia responds poorly to countries leaving their sphere of influence.


AnnoyingGadfly t1_jeg9bj4 wrote

The Armenians already know this. The problem, is to whom do they turn?
Russia and Georgia are the only neighbors they have that don’t actively want them dead.


Throwaway08080909070 t1_jeg9gxv wrote

It seems like Armenia is looking to Greece, which is a smart move, and also could be a way to involve the EU more broadly.


AnnoyingGadfly t1_jegajhi wrote

It could be, but realistically Greece can’t do much besides offer moral support. Turkey will make sure NATO never helps.

Without a guarantor, Azerbaijan will attack again someday. And despite the bravery of the Armenian soldiers they are outgunned and out numbered.


T-nash t1_jefyveh wrote

And who told you Armenians are asleep and worshiping Russia?

Seriously, don't form your opinions based on what our enemies propagandize.


Throwaway08080909070 t1_jefzkfu wrote

Where did you get "worshiping Russia" from what I said?

That's a weird thing to make up.


T-nash t1_jegauel wrote

Usually when you're asleep about something particular you constantly have a relation with, it means you have blind trust in them.

Armenians are aware Russia is behind everything happening to Armenia, it's just that no one else is stepping in to replace the Russian grasp, even so, Armenia has been taking active steps to distance from Russia, just today we got threatened with by Russia blocking our exports to them because we want to implement ICJ with EU.