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SinbadMarinarul OP t1_je90fw8 wrote

Girls over 12 cannot study, women are not allowed to work in state agencies or non-profits, are banned from entering parks and gardens, cannot travel without a close male relative.


Woodlog82 t1_je90l7q wrote

Republians are quite jealous.

Edit: envious


autotldr t1_je910xx wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 88%. (I'm a bot)

> The United Nations considers that the systematic deprivation of the rights of women and girls imposed by the Taliban in Afghanistan may amount to gender persecution, a crime against humanity.

> Two weeks ago, this center - the only one for women in the city - had to close due to threats and harassment from the Taliban, explains one of its founders, 28-year-old economist Laila Basim, via WhatsApp.

> Opened in August 2022 - coinciding with the first anniversary of the return to power of the Taliban in Afghanistan - its goals were to promote culture and reading among women and girls "Who have had the doors of schools and universities closed to them," explains Basim.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: women^#1 Taliban^#2 Library^#3 Afghan^#4 Basim^#5


Grgaola t1_je91bav wrote

"Let's repeat the last 35 years step by step." Flatline as a learning curve.


hecatonchires266 t1_je91sgv wrote

USA and its allies wasted 20 years in this country and for what? The same evils are back in power and depriving women their fundamental rights.


hecatonchires266 t1_je93ccr wrote

Precisely there to get rid of the Taliban and they failed miserably. 20 whole years and still the Taliban exists to make lives worse for the people of Afghanistan. Lives of soldiers lost for nothing.


sdforbda t1_je93ovm wrote

Yeah, sorry that I wasn't very clear in my original message. I had friends over there, including one that did three tours just being out of the national guard. I hate the whole existence of us being there.


FlimsyPomelo1842 t1_je94mzv wrote

This is what the people and women of Afghanistan clearly want or 10,000 Taliban wouldn't have overrun an army. Omg they werent getting paid, omg no air support. To hell with Afghanistan. Theyre literally what reddit thinks southern Christians are. The "good guys" lost so quick the Pentagon couldnt believe it. Just don't fly planes into our cities and youre welcome to be as backward as you want. Literally ask any American soldier about Afghan National Army guys. They were useless and deserve what they get. No amount of vice documentaries will convince me otherwise. We gave them planes, tanks, and guns. 3 thousand American kids are dead for either the most ungrateful people on earth, or they always wanted to be medieval


wgszpieg t1_je9htor wrote

Republicans should be overjoyed then, and sing Biden's praises - this is the kind of society they want, after all.

Come to think of it, republicans should encourage the taliban to come over to the us


Woodlog82 t1_je9hw15 wrote

What a embarrassing statement, the Orange Shitstain sat on his tiny hands (probably to feel someone touch him again) and did nothing to prepare for the withdrawal. Of course it was a disaster because he took a giant dump on everything before he left office.


ulmen24 t1_je9i4w5 wrote

Literally all of Biden’s military advisors told him it was ill advised to withdraw and he did anyway. Now the Taliban has control over millions of women. Thank Biden.


ulmen24 t1_je9jnb3 wrote

Why did the Biden admin push forward with it? With did they inform us it was going to be such an effective withdrawal? They literally informed us “it won’t be like Vietnam, you won’t see helicopter evacs off of the roof of the embassy. If it was indeed done under Joe Biden in the worst possible way. People hanging off plane wheel wells. Americans are still stuck there, btw. If it were indeed terrible and all orange man’s fault, why in the aftermath was the press secretary bragging how it was all so historic and grand? Why was the admin saying they trust the Taliban?

He “did this to create a terrible situation for Biden”..and then he spent months denying an election and trying to find a loophole to make himself president? What?


Rare-Lime2451 t1_je9l1xa wrote

GOP celebrates, says “Wish we’d thought of it first!”


GoofAckYoorsElf t1_je9ln12 wrote

Biden was president when the last soldier left the country. Trump was the one who initiated the withdrawal and negotiated the contract with the Taliban. A contract that isn't worth the paper it is printed on. And it was Bush who initially sent the troops there. So stop blaming Dems for something the Reps fucked up!

What should Biden have done? Send them all back in?


ulmen24 t1_je9m4i2 wrote

He should have listened to his military advisors. He didn’t need to “send them all back in” as they hadn’t left yet. A satellite force (like we have in countries all over the world) would have been acceptable. That or maybe (if it really was such an awful contract and Biden knew the Afghan forces would fall to the Taliban) withdraw our billions of dollars worth of military equipment before we left? I’m not a military mastermind, I’m just using common sense here. Biden spent his first 100 days undoing all kinds of Trump-era shit. Then, when the shit hits the fan with this, it’s “oh it was trump era shit, my hands were tied”. Give me a break. And for the record, I am NOT a fan of orange man.


smthomoson8989 t1_je9mezo wrote

Religion has been and is holding back humanity from advancing.


Wwize t1_jea36zv wrote

Republicans are doing the same thing to libraries in the US. Republicans and the Taliban have so much in common. Both are run by violent fascists, terrorists, lunatics and religious fundamentalists.


hxl004 t1_jea4ved wrote

This is about to happen in America


KeyBanger t1_jea59xf wrote

Nice try, Taliban, but yer a bunch of amateurs compared to the Republicans in Missouri.


ChristOnFire13 t1_jea6toz wrote

The Taliban are in Afghanistan not Iraq. The US invaded Iraq so Dick Cheney and his cronies could make $38 billion. Eisenhower said there are people who want to see the US constantly at war so they can profit and called the Military Industrial Complex.


Professional_Copy587 t1_jeajkay wrote

If they can't work or go to school then they don't really need a library anyway.


HumorUnable t1_jean3yd wrote

The argument that "it was all about the money" stopped sounding smart ten years ago. Now it's just dumb shit that hipsters say to try and seem smarter than everyone else, and doesn't at all take into context the historical facts lmao.

The US invaded Iraq because they saw an opportunity to remove Saddam Hussein from power. He was seen at the time as one of the biggest threats to global security - he'd invaded Kuwait just twelve years before, leading to a global military intervention.

On top of that he was a brutal tyrant who killed hundreds of thousands of his own people, and the Bush government legitimately believed that it was just a matter of time before he would develop weapons of mass destruction to ensure he would never be removed from power. So they thought they had to act to remove him while they had the opportunity, and hopefully build a democracy in the Middle East.

Did they fuck it up? Yes. Did they lie about Iraq already having weapons of mass destruction? Also yes?

But did they invade "tO mAke mOneY". Fuck no.

Go back to elementary school if you need to dumb down complex geopolitical decisions to "they wanted da money" you idiot.


sparkydaman t1_jeaol7o wrote

And somehow republicans support closing libraries in the USA too. Imagine that.


Savenura55 t1_jeaoo0n wrote

What was he supposed to do break a treaty the previous president signed ? What msg would that send to other nations ? That the us will break a treaty when they want just because ? Your conservative brain rot is showing.


ulmen24 t1_jeaqahb wrote

The Biden administration didn’t “have” to do anything. Again, Biden had no problem upending many other things. And again, everyone knew that was going to happen - hence all of his military advisors telling him not to proceed. here is a NBC report (so you can’t scream “bias”) on the administration botching the withdrawal If you want to argue that Trump signed this agreement and therefore they were “forced” to go forward with it, fine. Was the agreement that the US would evac their military before all of the non-military citizens? Was the agreement that they would surrender all the major airports, leaving only a small one to evac thousands of people? Was the agreement that Afghan allies would fall to their deaths from hanging off wheel wells of flying planes?


ulmen24 t1_jeaqptw wrote

Did the treaty include that the military would evac BEFORE the citizens and allies? Here’s a short NBC report admitting the failure . Even my rotted conservative brain knows that you keep military presence until AFTER the civilians are evacuated.

What kind of message would it send? It’s clear that the withdrawal was not successful. American citizens are still stuck there. If you’re saying that the Trump agreement was a “bad” one then the message it would send to other countries would have been “my predecessor made a bad agreement. I’m undoing it because it was bad and this is the right thing to do.”

Again, I am skeptical that Trump promised “I will hastily withdraw everyone in the span of two weeks, first withdrawing the military so that it’s near impossible to protect the only airport. Then I’ll get some service members killed and finically we’ll finish off by leaving Americans and Allies behind and we’ll get the press secretary to spin it as a historic success.”

Who is lying? Two generals testified to Congress that they advised Biden to keep 2,500 troops in Afghanistan. Biden said “military advisers did not tell me to keep troops on the ground past the withdrawal deadline”.


Bad_Mad_Man t1_jear77b wrote

At the same time the GOP establishment came in unison. Oh how jealous they are.


Bertoswavez t1_jeazax8 wrote

After reading the article it seems it's because the libraries refused to remove sexually explicit material and to fund repairs to infrastructure. I still don't understand how these are equivalent. I am not arguing, I'm just trying to understand.


MkMikki t1_jeb3p5z wrote

Afghan women need to cut off the men for a couple of months.


AirborneRodent t1_jeb872v wrote

It's one of the only ones they might listen to. If you say "what you're doing is morally wrong", they'll just say "no it isn't, what you're doing is morally wrong."

If you say "what you're doing is impoverishing your nation and hurting everyone you care about", they might actually take some action.


SuperJay t1_jebcr9g wrote

Meanwhile the y'alliban in Missouri is trying to do a similar thing to its public libraries by budgeting 0 dollars.


reilmb t1_jebf3iq wrote

hey in missouri they are gonna close all the libraries for everyone.


krismasstercant t1_jebfnyi wrote

>We go to war for profit.

Sure some people make money off of war but god damn dude we DUMPED BILLIONS into Afghanistan. It was because of us for those 20 god damn years Afghanistan saw the largest economic growth, women were able to go college and work, schools and hospitals were able to be built in remote villages for the first time, etc. It wasn't wasted, we actually made a generation of Afghans lives somewhat bearable.


krismasstercant t1_jebgyko wrote

What oil ? The amount of oil we import from Iraq had pretty much been the same before the war started. Why would we even need to go to war for oil when we're literally the largest producers of oil in the world. HOWEVER Haliburton did make a shit ton off of defense contracts through KBR in the Iraq war and Dick Cheney WAS still getting paid by Haliburton despite no longer being the CEO and was the Vice President of the US at the time. But that's not necessarily the reason why we went to war in the first place.


krismasstercant t1_jebhp7y wrote

>My dude. The United States’ CIA founded the Taliban as a means of counterbalancing USSR presence in the region.

Lol no they didn't, the Taliban didn't even form until AFTER the berlin wall fell, unless your talking about the Mujahedeen. And it wasn't the CIA that founded the Taliban, it was Pakistan's ISI that radicalized, funded, and armed Afghan refugee's and Pakistani citizens so that way when the Taliban took over Afghanistan in the 90's it would be more favorable for them.


ChristOnFire13 t1_jebj9cc wrote

I'm not saying there wasn't any good out of it. I'm saying the motivation behind starting it was not for bettering peoples live. The people making the decision to go to war do not care about people at all. The government is not your friend.


deathtoputin225 t1_jebjz2f wrote

Good job Trump for surrendering a functioning democracy allied to the west and protected women's rights.


afraid_of_zombies t1_jebljpy wrote

Oil is sold globally. It doesn't matter if we didn't get it directly, just having it on the market lowers the price for all. Additionally we are the biggest producers partially because of all the tech that we have developed to produce that stuff. An Iraq occupied by the US is buying US technology (exactly the type Haliburton and buddies works on) to extract the oil.

Win win really. The American consumer gets lower prices, the American producer sells their expertise to the competitor.

It was always about the oil.


SKT_Phoenix1 t1_jebm8wx wrote

Uhhhh under Trump we went from 13k troops to 2.5k troops and he ignored multiple calls on the dangers of drawdown even from people like Rubio. They HAD left, just not every soldier. Biden was put in an impossible situation where he was obligated to respect a treaty signed by his predecessor but that treaty was just utter shit.

Biden even stated: “it is not my intention to stay there for a long time. But the question is: How and in what circumstances do we meet that agreement that was made by President Trump to leave under a deal that looks like it’s not being able to be worked out to begin with? How is that done? But we are not staying a long time.”

I’d advise maybe getting a bit more acquainted with the events that unfolded, as it is very apparent to pretty much everybody in the thread the narrative you are presenting isn’t quite reflective of the reality of the situation


ulmen24 t1_jebmtld wrote

I am being downvoted in this sub because I’m not a liberal, don’t get it twisted. But ok, I’ll play. How come in the drawdown from 16k to 2.5k American soldiers and Allies weren’t dying? How come Afghans weren’t hiding on wheelwells and falling to their deaths as planes took off?

I’m not a fan of Trump - quite the opposite. But you are insane if you attribute Trump to Biden defying the requests of his generals and also evacuating military before civilians. Come on.


SKT_Phoenix1 t1_jebnq4o wrote

> How come in the drawdown from 16k to 2.5k American soldiers and Allies weren’t dying

They were. The Taliban had attacked various places in Afghanistan upwards of 15 times during the drawdown (probably WAY beyond 15, but I don’t have a concrete number that’s defendable so I picked one that seems arbitrarily small)

  • “Defense Department inspector general’s office says, ‘The Taliban did not appear to uphold its commitment to distance itself from terrorist organizations in Afghanistan. UN and U.S. officials reported that the Taliban continued to support al-Qaeda, and conducted joint attacks with al-Qaeda members against Afghan National Defense and Security Forces.’”

  • Sept. 16, 2020 — The Taliban continued attacks on government forces. The Voice of America reported that “Taliban attacks in three provinces across northern Afghanistan since Tuesday killed at least 17 people, including six civilians, and wounded scores of others even as a Taliban political team was negotiating peace with Afghan government representatives in Doha, Qatar.”

  • Defense Department IG’s office released a report for the quarter ending Sept. 30, 2020, that said the peace negotiations between the Afghan government and Taliban representatives had stalled and violence increased. “At the same time, the Taliban increased its attacks against Afghan forces, leading to ‘distressingly high’ levels of violence that could threaten the peace agreement,” the report said.

  • Dec. 2, 2020 — After past false starts, Afghan and Taliban negotiators agree on a framework to govern peace negotiations. “At the same time, the Taliban continued its ‘fight and talk’ strategy, increasing violence across the country to increase its leverage with the Afghan government in negotiations,” the Defense Department IG’s office said

  • Afghanistan’s First Vice President Amrullah Saleh tells the BBC that the Trump administration made too many concessions to the Taliban. “I am telling [the United States] as a friend and as an ally that trusting the Taliban without putting in a verification mechanism is going to be a fatal mistake,” Saleh says, adding that Afghanistan leaders warned the U.S. that “violence will spike” as the 5,000 Taliban prisoners were released. “Violence has spiked,” he added.

All of this was before Biden was elected.

> How come Afghans weren’t hiding on wheelwells and falling to their deaths as planes took off?

Because there were no indications of an imminent government collapse at that point? Some people were sounding the alarm in the US about the dangers (Rubio deserves his credit) but it wasn’t a common position

Biden didn’t nail the situation, but the larger issue was the treaty Trump signed that Biden felt beholden to in order to not diminish US influence abroad, and the troop drawdown which allowed the Taliban to take a more aggressive role even while America was still there


krismasstercant t1_jebqsc5 wrote

Yeah do your right, I'm the idiot here. The one library not receiving funding is gonna turn into a violent Christian jihadist overthrow of American causing instability, extreme violence for years to come just like Afghanistan right ? Gtfo here if you even think that events like that are gonna turn us in Afghanistan.


ulmen24 t1_jebreft wrote

Gtfo of here. Biden felt compelled to withdraw military and leave the allies and citizens behind to make America “not look like liars” to the rest of the world? You know he pushed back the date from May 1 to August 31 right? So clearly, the President of the United States was not powerless to amend the details of the treaty. Biden sat down with George Stephanapolus and told him he would have withdrawn the troops even without Trump’s treaty.

It was either (1) an awful plan by Trump that endangered Americans and Afghan citizens and Biden shouldn’t have gone through with it, or (2) It was a fine plan and Biden went through with it and it was a success. There is no (3) “it was obviously a horrible plan by Trump but knowing this, Biden had to go along with it, less America look like…they won’t hold up their end of terrible treaties? “America needs it to be known that it keeps its word even when the other party doesn’t and when it means millions of people will be left to the predations of terrorists.”

Who do you think lied, the two generals who testified to Congress that they urged Biden to leave 2,500 troops in the country, or Biden who said he received no such advice? No one was sounding the alarm? Why do you think the Generals of the military testified that they told him to keep a satellite force there?

You’re talking to someone who prays that Trump ends up in prison before the primaries. But my God, blaming everything on him needs to stop. “The Buck stops with me” was Biden’s campaign pitch and since then it’s just been a serial blaming of the previous administration.


epicstruggle t1_jebrho9 wrote

Sorry, not as smart as you. To me it looks like democrats want to indoctrinate the populace. Only one acceptable thinking or you go straight to the gulags. So would love to hear how you think it’s not the case.


BeautifulTerror t1_jebv3ox wrote

It's good that you can admit that.

It's all the libraries in an entire state, not one. That combined with the banning of books and intolerance of LGBT communities across multiple states, and restriction of women's rights to bodily autonomy. The real question is, how would a Christian theocracy in this country differ from the Talibans current situation? 🤔


goos3d t1_jebzbwf wrote

To be jealous, is to be afraid of losing something to someone else. How is the Republican Party jealous of the taliban?

Are they afraid of losing something to them? Oh wait, op probably meant envious.


bearfan15 t1_jec2r8z wrote

This argument doesn't make any sense. Iraqi oil was already on the market. In fact Iraqi oil production was decimated because of the war. They only reached pre war levels of production a few years ago. It literally had the opposite affect your claiming. Oil was more expensive for years after the war.


TheyTukMyJub t1_jec2w4m wrote

Hijacking this comment to ask a question!

Does anyone know what the actual 'justification' is? I mean ok let's say you're extremely religious and sexually conservative, so you want men and women segregated. It's moronic but I can follow the 'logical' steps.

But how do these extremists justify closing down women-only spaces? AFAIK there's nothing in their religion that forbids women from reading or congregating amongst themselves ? What's the theocratic basis?

Anyone got a serious reply?


Challenging_Entropy t1_jec89ia wrote

At least they had the decency to threaten and harass rather than just blowing it up


Lost_and_wandering_ t1_jecbqh9 wrote

You are going to want to read more thoroughly the details of Operation Cyclone.

Pakistan got the weapons and funding from the United States. Brzezninski admits that the US actions in the region created the taliban.

Read the book Holy Wars Inc. the cia and state department wrote textbooks that encouraged racism and hatred towards non Muslim afghanistans.

The US created the social environment for the Taliban to thrive and also provided their weapons. Almost all of the taliban’s leadership came from leadership positions within the mujahedeen. An organization that was funded and empowered by the US.


ulmen24 t1_jed3pk3 wrote

What the fuck are you talking about? (1) I am not a fan of Trump. (2) What the fuck does Trump using campaign funds to pay off a pornstar he cheated with have to do with Biden’s botched removal from Afghanistan??


ulmen24 t1_jed6awi wrote

I don’t need to reference Trump whatsoever to shit on Biden. He defied the advice of his military personnel and got American service members and allies killed. And now millions of women are living in abject sex slavery all because…what…Biden “Had to go through” with it?

So you’re telling me if in his final days in office Trump signed a treaty with the UK. The treaty of “on may 1st all your women are now sex slaves”, that Biden would have said “ah well gee whiz. It isn’t great but we can’t go back on our word”?


HippoIcy7473 t1_jedap3n wrote

Why do Taliban have so much support in Afghanistan? They are a symptom not a cause.


ulmen24 t1_jedb6cg wrote

Im not advocating for going back - I’m saying the withdrawal was horrendous, and I wish that had not happened.

I’m glad that you recognize the importance of guns for self defense.

At what point do I let it go? Probably at the point where there aren’t comments on Reddit about how it is Trumps fault that the last female library in Afghanistan has closed.


Woodlog82 t1_jedt741 wrote

Na, friend don't give them that. They maybe a smart individual, but these cultists feed on rejection and self-victimization.

They are willing to ignore which states are banning books at the moment and that a right-winger recently called for putting people in camps. They will deflect that and believe that they are the good guys here. That is the problem with these fascist cultist members; they need some serious de-programming. If they believe these things they believe everything.


Woodlog82 t1_jedtmyw wrote

I am sorry fiend, but you yourself sound pretty indoctrinated to me. Are these gulags in the room with you right now, friend? Do you think they can hurt you? I would love to answer you, friend, but I don't want to further fuel your delusions. Please seek mental health or ask your questions in a matter that you do not sound like a complete looney toon. Hugs and positive, healing vibes friend.


Woodlog82 t1_jedv1q1 wrote

Meh, I would disagree. Can you try not to gaslight and keep to the topic I brought up? Many republicans seem to want to create a country similar to what the Taliban have. So you are yammering on and on about military arguments but seem to ignore that the women's rights situation in the U.S. is quite dire these days.


Woodlog82 t1_jefneq4 wrote

I did not wish anything on you, person. That was someone else's post in which they questioned your capabilities to not drown in the shower. I would also like to question them, too. Mentally and emotionally you don't seem to know how to respond in a good way.

Addendum: Also still here, but whatever feeds your delusions. 🤷🏻‍♂️ I gave an answer to the question a few post before and you are quite of the deep end; why would I engage in your tomfoolery?


TheLockPadlock t1_jefvd5w wrote

What an awful cult/religion. Just like every single one.

And the worst thing is that the men from those "places" are in favour of these things, ugh..