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Old_Cheesecake_5481 t1_jdb41m0 wrote

Foreign agent.

Canada better wake the fuck up as it comes to these despotic countries like China, Russia and India.


PaddleMonkey t1_jdb8a74 wrote

If national security agents have actual recordings of Dong saying these things to the Chinese, then please I would love to hear it. Release it to the public. Show just how deep the CCP is influencing Canadian elections.


captsmokeywork t1_jdb9tst wrote

If it turns out he told a Chinese govt official to delay the release of the two Michaels, he should be tarred and feathered and then thrown out of parliament.


MadDjinn t1_jdbakmj wrote

That can only come later if the House decides to remove him and vacate the seat.

And it’s unlikely to happen as there is nothing legally being done against him at the moment. Overriding the election of an MP is one of those things that can bite you if you’re doing it on allegations.


Frilmtograbator t1_jdbcxqd wrote

I mean, as a democratic country, we have a thing called due process. Let's have a full investigation and make sure these anonymous sources are telling the truth, and throw the book at whoever is actually found to be guilty.


Minute-External3986 t1_jdbz5kd wrote

Pretty sure US intelligence was aware of it or said something about a joint investigation a few weeks ago and well NSA does mass surveillance on everyone better show the hard evidence than circumstantial evidence. It’s not like it’s a secret about the NSA surveillance anymore since Snowden.