Russia plans to offer food to North Korea in exchange for weapons: White House
english.alarabiya.netSubmitted by koolman631 t3_126t09r in worldnews
Submitted by koolman631 t3_126t09r in worldnews
When little men cast long shadows, the Sun is about to set.
What food? Bags of mixed vegetables with expired biscuits?
Stolen grain, probably.
The fact that the US can know a detail as relatively small as this is so interesting to me. I know every country has it's covert operations and spy networks, but it seems like we have ears everywhere
thats going to be one hell of a long ride to get it to ukraine.
The proxy has become the proxer
A 75 year old agency is a long time to acquire data and people. They have a lot of practice to fall back on.
and you guys believe this?
doesn't this seem like propaganda
Now consider that Russia has had organized, global spy operations since Peter the Great.
North Korea produces weapons?
Expired MREs
Probably not, North Korea has received food aid in the past as part of the nuclear negotiation process.
Probably artillery shells is my guess
The low grade caviar that's 2 years past the expiration date.
Over half of century of building connections and networks, a very large number of employees, and the best tech. Sometimes it's surprising to hear what intel they have learned and sometimes it's surprising to hear they didn't know about something that they should have known.
It's also not a big news type of finding so if they were going to make it up, it likely wouldn't be something this minor.
They also provided some specifics which usually means not only that the story is likely true but that they very direct evidence.
Dangling carrots now are we?
this news is coming from the White House
so forgive me if i don't believe them
Russia: No cash, let's barter.
NK: Sure, we have plenty of artillery shells.
So does this mean the u.s can stop sending aide to NK seeing as they have a new partner? Seems we could allocate those resources somewhere better.
Also note the story doesn't say NK asked for this. This is supposedly a Russian proposal, but Russia does have a lot of food so it kind of makes sense.
Butter for guns.
Imagine that hiss.
What’s left for the NK people after KJU eats his share?
One potato, you give 10 bullets. We drink vodka after. Urukhai!
The top estimate of the North Korean famine is 3.5 million deaths during a time when North Korea had a population of roughly 22 million.
Was there a point you were trying to make in addition to the one where you like writing absurdly dumb bullshit on the internet?
1,000 barrels of borsht please.
The United States does not provide aid to North Korea.
Sadly, probably the correct answer.
And remember - the CIA is famous for all its failed operations. The leaders we failed to kill, the countries we failed to overthrow.
The ones who did get overthrown and killed? Mmmmm. Never happened, of course.
When you wonder why so many countries dislike the US...
Borscht for Bombs?
Yes. To people and countries that don't particularly like us.
Here, have potato.
North Koreans looking at potatoes wondering if they're edible.
Possibly just old stockpiles.
When you are definitely winning your war
Haha two failing countries helping each other fail more
>When you wonder why so many countries dislike the US...
Plenty would be worse off without the US. If China or Russia could wield the same power we'd likely be much worse off.
A whistle blower in 2011 found that they were putting dog food in their Soldier's MREs and got sent to jail even with video evidence.
Wait wait wait. Didn't NK once post a picture of their army that included inflatable tanks?
Hmm, gonna be interesting to see how bad N. Korea's weapons are.
Maybe its those at-risk-at-being-contaminated grain? China right before the war said that they will totally purchase a specific russian grain type that china have previously banned for risk of fungus infection and spreading to local chinese grain, but nothing ever seems to have come out of it. Maybe Putin found a new buyer.
I’m sure military equipment equipment from NK is top notch. Solid move by Vova.
Lil Kimbo is smart , knowing Rubel ain't worth dog poo and China don't want any part of it either .
Potato , lots of potato and grain and flower and beets and pickles and some assortment of white models too , to model of course .
U.S. , abcdefgh departments know when Kim farts .
'cause they're up his azz
I don’t think Russia lacks food, they produce a lot of grain.
Half of which are double spy's for the cia
Oh do tell. I'd love to read up on that!
To me it fits in with the culture of corruption we’ve seen is rampant in Russian military and government.
“You’ll give me money and/or goods as long as I keep you informed on things I see and hear? Sure Sounds great. I don’t even have to organize the logistics of getting it to the black market.”
I’m sure the Alphabet organizations long history of connections from the Cold War helps as well, but the fact you could probably cut a deal with any Russian officer for five grand, a real bottle of wine, and a fruit basket has to play a big factor.
Expired cans of lamprey and borscht.
The axis of losers.
Scraping the bottom of the allied-nation-barrel I see.
We’ve got food.
We used to do it officially until George W’s administration. Since then, NK has rejected numerous generous offers of American aid over the years. It’s believed by many that we still do it unofficially, however, due to the dichotomy between NK’s obvious need for foreign aid and their own government’s pride preventing them from officially accepting said aid from an enemy
I’m guessing they produce some but a lot of their hardware probably comes from China
Nothing. He licks his plate after eating
Sounds like a job for the Crimea Bridge Brigade
Then why didn't you form a productive strategic partnership with North Korea first? Early bird gets the worm.
The ruble is so strong they don’t want to give it away easily. Barter will protect the Russian economy from weak western sanctions!
Vietnam or Afghanistan, which was worse! Find out in "random acts of imperialism battle." Some day Ukraine might have 1/10th the deaths of either of those.
The KGB did wield similar power, and together the CIA and KGB overthrew many democracies and killed a whole lot of people, directly and indirectly.
Russia is one of the top agricultural exporters in the world, they have millions of hectares of crops, mainly grains.
So literally: Will help murder innocent men, women and kids for food.
Got it.
America could up the ante and play the same game. That would clear up if it’s the weapons or the food that’s the prize.
Jesus, they really are desperate.
Fat boy gonna eat all of it 😋
If only.
Damn. You know you’re not doing well if you’re relying on North Korean weapons.
as long as it makes something go boom far away, I'm sure it's good enough for the Russian army.
i mean.. north korea needs food. And I doubt they give a shit about Ukrainians dying.
Apparently, China's not sending enough or the Kim-Xi relation is a bit frosty.
North korea has some rich copper deposits iirc. That is why one of their exports is large bronze statues of dictators (no joke) and presumably the capability to make casings. They also have hydroelectric power despite the population not having access to this, using this to manufacture explosives and other armaments would make sense, that is what some european countries did too in the past. They also have a devision that produces biological and chemical agents. What those exactly are is not known (or at least not disclosed by those that do) but all soldiers that defected are still vaccinated against smallpox and nerve agents are pretty easy to make. So we can make some guesses.
They also produce tanks and submarines but I doubt they will be a match for anything produced recently. Although north korea does have guided missiles, but maybe still relying on soviet tech? Or not who knows.
They actually have a defence industry and supplied quite a bit to the syrian conflict.
Are you insinuating he’s fat? Because he’s in peek physical condition!
I know they do, ya gotta have something for the rest of the peasants to do. They can't all farm. But in all likelihood, they've been building x amount of munitions every year for the last 70 ish years with no real wars to use it. I know that's basically their entire schtick, shelling the ever living shit out of Seoul, + a few nukes to US and/or Japan. But still, I would imagine they have a massively excessive stockpile by now.
So perfect. Russia disarms North Korea for food, Ukraine then destroys those weapons leaving Russia defenses. That leaves two corrupt little shitholes with no self defense.
Let's get this out onto a tray...
Russia: “I see your people are starving, poor and have an abundance of firearms and ammunition….perhaps we could…..”
Awkward look between Russia and North Korea intensifies
So we get to see on an international stage how much of North Korea’s stuff doesn’t work
It’s called trade
Two failed states walk into a bar...
Interestingly, I bet a lot of North Koreans find him attractive. It seems that people who were so poor in childhood that didn’t get to eat much find fat people attractive
I know Russia has a lot of food exports, especially wheat , but Russia is still a net importer of food... with all the sanctions their food supply should be having some serious issues. Do they actually have the food to trade for arms or are they gonna just starve their people?
How bout that! Ain’t these funny times 😁
spews tea all over phone
Putin looks tiny next to Kim
Isn't the whole fact that north Korea is starving that they wanted out from under the Soviets and didn't want an outside connection for their people. seems like a good way to bring their system down when they realise they would be better off and less hungry with contact with the outside world
Yes he does and when he stands next to Alexander Lukashenko
Putin always looks small nowadays
I think you underestimate how many people it actually takes to farm with no equipment and no real productive land
I do agree with you tho
Yes, pork physical condition.
I mean, Putin is a little man both in stature and morale.
Literally every other dude lies about their height. Putin lies about everything so one can only assume when he says he is 5 foot 7 (170cm) he is padding the stats.
Not making fun of little people, just this particular one. I've dated girls taller than he is.
I doubt anyone is going to question the government no matter what it does. Kim rules with an iron fist, sad to say.
These two countries feel like civ 6 AI is controlling them.
Russian and Chinese communication security is terrible. NSA, GCHQ, and CSE can read their emails.
Surely everyone is starving in NK because Kim prioritises weapons over feeding his people? Why would he now provide food for his people in return for giving away weapons?
> or are they gonna just starve their people?
The people who really matter will still have food.
Ding! Ding! Ding!
Sounds like a plan 👍
Well you say that but every year people flee that country as it is
And they’d only be sending enough food for pingpong’s elite inner circles anyway.
Isn’t Russia having problems feeding its troops lol but I guess even rations would help out North Korea. Just remember Putin, you get what you pay for, those weapons would look in propaganda videos but will they work….
Absolutely. Moscow and St Petersburg already plunder all the natural wealth/resources of the ethnic regions and the far east in any case.
What a pathetic pair.
Yeah people KNOW the government sucks. They all do. They just cant do anything about it except try to flee. It's been the same for decades.
I agree with you . Seems like some people question the wee big man words
Farewell to the dignity of paying in money
North Korea has been falling apart since the war in Ukraine started
No one cares about them when there is a god damn slugger fest on the other side of the planet
Kim jong un just wants some attention
He’s not bad looking, just bad in general.
Damn it is a time to be alive , pooty-poo-tin can I has some 50cals for chezburgers plz.
_iamnotgeorge_ t1_jeani2l wrote
Lovely. Kim Jong Un and Pu-Tin-Un. Lovely.