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Throwaway08080909070 t1_jegk4kq wrote

Given how a breakup can be a precipitating event for self-harm in teens, this seems like a wise thing to do.


Mcrski88 t1_jeh1k49 wrote

Kids are all allergic to peanut butter now; schools are more proactive though about keeping the jars out than shooters. Never mind lol


DeltaTimo t1_jeh1pvj wrote

Perhaps, but at the same time, kids are bombarded by social media, "relatable" yet almost engineered influencers, impossible beauty standards, fear of no future, and so on. A breakup may just be the straw that breaks the camel's back.


TheLuminary t1_jeh48lc wrote

You do realize that it's not the kids who are implementing these projects right? This smells of a boomer complaining to kids about the participation trophies that the boomer invented and gave out because they were too weak to have the emotional talk with their kids about winners and losers.