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Crimbobimbobippitybo OP t1_jdswuqf wrote

In the US and EU at least all court proceedings are matters of public record, with rare exceptions such as rape shield laws and national security.


Noredditforwork t1_jdttrtb wrote

You are missing the distinction between codified civil law and common law.

Laws get written, then people try to find loopholes and beneficial interpretations, then judges decide if you get away with it.


Crimbobimbobippitybo OP t1_jdtvtxv wrote

Italy doesn't use common law, they use codified laws. 🙄


Noredditforwork t1_jdtvyjj wrote

You responded to a comment about US law which is derived from common law.

ETA: lol, blocked me because you can't read or accept a correction, what a twit.


Crimbobimbobippitybo OP t1_jdtw885 wrote

This is an article about Italy and Italian law, digressions by dafties aside.


Synkope1 t1_jdu7oz6 wrote

It's not a digression, YOU brought in North America to the discussion. And then when he started talking about US law, YOU engaged. Don't complain about digressions just because you lost an argument, it's embarrassing.