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oldar4 t1_jduegg4 wrote

How many people know who banksy is? He's been filmed. He owns this boat which means a paper trail. Its gotta be pretty easy to figure out eh


hymen_destroyer t1_jdug2p5 wrote

What reason does anyone have to expose him? He wishes to remain largely anonymous, so anyone obsessed with figuring out who he is would be, at best, a massive prick and at worst a psychopath.


oldar4 t1_jdugamd wrote

Just saying if anyone wanted to find out it seems like it'd be easy. Especislly since uk is covered in cc tv they definitely have to know. Which makes me suspicious of him


LooselyBasedOnGod t1_jduwql4 wrote

Suspicious why? I believe he has a large team supporting his efforts but his actual name has been out there for at least 10+ years.


hymen_destroyer t1_jduhwm3 wrote

OK well it seems like no one cares and so far have respected his anonymity. If he wants to reveal himself he might do that someday, he doesn't seem the least bit interested in celebrity though so probably not.