doomdoom15 t1_je4p4k9 wrote
Reply to comment by bt65 in Vladimir Putin stages giant nuclear training exercise with 3,000 troops, in menacing show of strength to the West by HelpfulYoghurt
He (dont) got the brains but do he got the touch?
Robbotlove t1_je4qs0o wrote
don't get me wrong, I think he's all Reich.
jimmycoletrane t1_je4r668 wrote
but that won't stop the war in the middle of this fight
doomdoom15 t1_je4rhwl wrote
I never knew a guy who kept launch codes in his pocket
jimmycoletrane t1_je4rttl wrote
and pollonium in his tea, just for taste
doomdoom15 t1_je4sipd wrote
All those extra soldiers on the ground better win it
PM-me-Gophers t1_je4sxma wrote
'Cause heaven forbid, they should fall out a window
FM-101 t1_je4ymsr wrote
Whoooa whoooa no purgatory, whoooa whoooa they going straight to hell.
shortround29 t1_je5fvae wrote
Did I shave my Rotzbremse for this?
Light_fires t1_je4sizp wrote
That don't impress me much...
Calumkincaid t1_je4r79q wrote
But will he launch a bomb in the middle of the night?
[deleted] t1_je4zml7 wrote
You win comment of the day.
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