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colefly t1_je6h5ow wrote

We seen to wait for Russia to establish their infrastructure, slightly out of range, before we give them slightly longer range weapons

Pentagon just wants to watch Ammo dumps go boom


toaster-riot t1_je6su3t wrote

It's brilliant. We always have a means to escalate and we also are showing restraint which goes counter to a lot of their rhetoric back at home. Bonus points for the fireworks show every time we increase their range and force them to redo all their logistics.

Unfortunately, a lot of Ukrainians will continue to die while this drags out needlessly. I wish we could just curb stomp Russia back into the stone ages, but I trust that our military leaders weighed all of that out and are making the best decisions we can given Putin's actions.


Ok_Fee_9504 t1_je89cop wrote

>Unfortunately, a lot of Ukrainians will continue to die while this drags out needlessly

That's war unfortunately. Even if we outfitted every single UkAF outfit with modern NATO standard weaponry and had supply lines in place, a lot of Ukrainians would still die in the counter offensive.