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[deleted] t1_jcv7o34 wrote



Ok-disaster2022 t1_jcv8uvq wrote

You may not know the entire history here, and that's fine. After WW2 UK allowed commonwealth citizens to freely immigrate to the UK to meet the manpower shortage after the war. They hand waived any official immigration documentation and just let people come. Recently cracking down on immigration they started exporting everyone who didn't have official record of immigration, including people who have spent decades of their life in UK as well as their children and grandchildren who have only ever know UK life. It's a cluster fuck of epic proportions. But that's what Racist fascists do.


Dadavester t1_jcvcn06 wrote

Thats not quite true.

Those that arrived had documentation that was stored since the 50's/60's at the home office. In the late 2000's it was decided that those records would be scrapped. Anything importent would be digitised the rest would be rubbish.

When the Con/LD government came in they continued this. So all the government records were destroyed.

The Tories then changed the rules on what is acceptable as proof of residancy. Many of the Windrush generation now did not have the correct documentation. And the Home office no longer had any record of them.

The whole process was started under labour. But at the time it was not issue because of the rules. The tories changing the rules would not have been an issue, if the home office had kept the records.

It was a huge fuck up. And it took far too long for the tories to admit their error.


IIIlllIIIlllIIIEH t1_jcvpv70 wrote

I have a question, I am just curious.

I was aware there is no national ID in USA, but surely there is one in UK? How can you not know whether you are a citizen or not for more than 20 years and still have any access to government services/ administration/ sign any kind of contract?

Unless you are a nut job that lives off the grid, how can the government not be aware that you exist for so long?

In my country you either have a citizen number or foreigner number, there is no in between. Surely you may be in the process of getting citizenship but you would know that don't have it yet just by the fact that you don't have the number.


yabushido t1_jcvvin9 wrote

No, there is no national ID in the UK - there are talks about introducing one, but currently most common ID's are passport and driving licence. You must be British nationality (not citizen!) to get the passport.

How is goverment don't know you exist? Reason #1 - they know, they just don't care. Reason #2 - goverment agencies don't like to share information with eachother or with the ministers unless they really have to.

As for 'numbers' - in the UK it is called National Insurance Number. It is tied to pretty much all goverment services - taxes, benefits, NHS, you name it. You have one and you can access these services.

There is no 'special' set of numbers just for citizens, and it will not change if you applied and was granted citizenship.


Gairmonster t1_jcxb2of wrote

the landing documents were deliberately destroyed a few years earlier by the same government organizing the deportations. this is important because it can be seen as part of their plan. This is an openly racist government.


Dadavester t1_jcxc2l9 wrote

The Labour government organised and approved the documents being destroyed, and it was carried out under Tory-Lib Dem government.

All 3 parties share blame for thos documents being destroyed.

How the Tories are the only ones at fault for the removals.


Armins_CopyOf_Swank t1_jcvmf0p wrote


Do words mean nothing anymore?


kaenneth t1_jd4s6ft wrote

"The fascist across the street is walking his dog again."

"Since when does walking a dog make someone fascist?"

"It doesn't, the swastika armband he's wearing does."


Crimbobimbobippitybo t1_jcv93bq wrote

It's incredible that the architect of that mess, Theresa May, became PM. Tells you all you need to know about what Tory voters really stand for.


Smaugb t1_jcw6fkf wrote

The Australians are doing exactly this right now.

New Zealanders can freely live and work in Australia.

New Zealand citizens who in many cases have been in Australia since they were children are being forcibly deported back to New Zealand after conviction.


pensezbien t1_jcwe6fk wrote

Whether the example you give is a good thing or a bad thing, it’s not at all exactly this - in that scenario they are deporting non-citizens who have committed crimes to their country of citizenship.

This man is a British citizen born and mostly raised in the UK (although he had spent some years living in Jamaica) where the UK government insisted he was someone else, deported him to Jamaica, incorrectly accused him of using his genuine British passport fraudulently when he returned a few years later, and jailed him for additional years on that basis.


Test19s t1_jcxt7at wrote

Humans are a vile tribal bunch, and as long as the most prosperous countries are those with limited migration and very high percentages of Northern European ancestry my faith in humanity is absent.


Used_Pen_5938 t1_jcy8uu8 wrote

Damn, people don't usually just come out and say their giant racists.

Bet you're a real lovely person to be around. Any other groups you hate?