Donnieboy1380 t1_iui5hbf wrote
Reply to comment by Niknakpaddywack17 in South Africa's new Zulu king officially recognised by government by HRJafael
That wouldn't be an issue if nonBlacks had stayed out of the Black people's continent.
TheGrayBox t1_iuib443 wrote
Please tell me you don’t think that tribal monarchies in Africa had no issues or corruption before European colonialism…POC are not magical fairy people incapable of wrongdoing
[deleted] t1_iuieie0 wrote
TheGrayBox t1_iuifj5y wrote
Did you just use racially charged language towards me….purely because you assumed that I am a racist…purely because you assumed that I am white?
You need help. You will not function in this world being so twisted inside. Anyone can comment on any country, all people have agency.
[deleted] t1_iuig7kx wrote
TheGrayBox t1_iuiglr0 wrote
Utter cringe.
Donnieboy1380 t1_iuigq53 wrote
You are a complete child.
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