CmdrMctoast t1_iucyojh wrote
Time for the world to step up and shut russias black fleet down.
my20cworth t1_iuddc6x wrote
Yep, send in escorted coalition of ships and a few subs and the moment a Russian ship decides to attack a Ukraine grain ship, the west steps in.
Anythingaddict t1_iud0ibd wrote
Yeah, like world step up to Afghanistan then lost the war horribly by Taliban the same group which were using ancient weapons, the West, USA and NATO does not even manage to defeat Taliban then why do you think they fight with enemy as Russia which has nuclear weapons in their prosessions.
Cobbertson t1_iudu5ze wrote
The Taliban are decentralised insurgents. The Kremlin is clearly visible on Google maps and the russian military stores all their equipment in massive depots that western intelligence has clear images of. russia is not fighting this war on their own soil, either, so all anyone has to do is disable their entry into Ukraine
False equivalency to the max, mate.
Anythingaddict t1_iudvg3c wrote
You do realize the Russian is a Nuclear Atomic Country if west participate in this war then who knows maybe Putin might use Nuclear weapons just to make an example and If that happens then there is no stopping of world war 3.
the_catshark t1_iuevzbz wrote
If Russia gets to do whatever it wants because it threatens to start WW3 then WW3 will start because every nuclear powered country will just ignore the world stage for its own immediate desires.
Anythingaddict t1_iugjzk6 wrote
Agreed, and in this case the people will suffer the most.
[deleted] t1_iueja8q wrote
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