Submitted by 29PiecesOfSilver t3_yigbad in worldnews
_baundiesel_ t1_iuishxr wrote
They wouldn't fight for their own land but they'll fight for Russia... their last invader. So weird.
Legitimate-Cow-6859 t1_iujmqjc wrote
I mean Afghanistan is complicated. It’s more of a large set of tribes than a nation state like we think. What is “their land”, really?
Plus the military that we established there was modeled after the US military - an advanced mechanized military that requires financial and logistical support that simply isn’t possible for a nation like Afghanistan. Are you going to stand and die when the air support suddenly stops?
Not to mention all the corruption, some of which was actively supported by the US, as well as a decent amount of anti-US sentiment that was empowered by civilian deaths and people being abducted to gitmo on suspicion of terrorist activity.
_baundiesel_ t1_iujn7fm wrote
Okay. lol
Legitimate-Cow-6859 t1_iujnjye wrote
I’m just saying, the situation is a lot more complicated than “they wouldn’t fight for their land,” which itself is an easy comment to make. Assuming that you’ve never had to fight for your own land, and risk death for an almost certain lost cause
_baundiesel_ t1_iujnnwb wrote
That's fair.
Legitimate-Cow-6859 t1_iujof5x wrote
Check out “no good men among the living”
It’s a really good book written in 2015 that’s part history going back to the invasion by the USSR, part contemporary story involving interviews with a US soldier, an afghan civilian, and a taliban leader. Great insight into the situation
asdfa2342543 t1_iujog7h wrote
Imagine if a country invaded your state, then offered to pay you a good salary to collaborate, which you took to pay your mother’s mortgage, despite the shame. Then they suddenly disappear leaving you with a target on your back, considered a traitor, the pay runs dry. Then the enemy of that country comes abcs offers you money and a chance at revenge.
_baundiesel_ t1_iujouz9 wrote
"suddenly disappear" lol
Dubhs t1_iujnhfc wrote
Wait what do you think we were doing in Afghanistan for the last 20 years?
[deleted] t1_iukbz6q wrote
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