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genericusername123 t1_iuhn2zl wrote

Right, but if it made it to the supreme court then it must have been part of a previous case by lower court judges. I'm talking about those guys.


barath_s t1_iuhnttl wrote

A trial court convicted a person of rape and murder.

A jharkhand state high court acquitted him.

The national supreme court overturned the high court ruling and issued a slew of directives, slamming anyone who conducted such tests.


It doesn't say much about the high court ruling or case but my WAG is that the high court taking it into account is horrendous, but doesn't mean they ordered it.


Winds_Howling2 t1_iuik0kk wrote

Just correcting the other comment,

Before 1979, United Kingdom followed a protocol for medical examination of women who were immigrating to their country to marry their fiancées. This protocol would have gone on forever if an Indian woman hadn’t raised her voice after being examined in a manner which not only breached her privacy but also insulted her dignity.

On 24th January, 1979, an Indian woman landed at the Heathrow Airport. She was immigrating to London to marry her fiancée who was a British of Indian origin. At that time, people entering Britain didn’t need any visa if they were going to marry their fiancées within 3 months. But, the Indian lady had to undergo an extensive medical examination onto her plans to settle in Britain. The immigration officer was doubtful that this was her first marriage and was somewhat sure of her having children already. This may have occurred because of the age of the woman (Well, men can marry when they want to marry. A 35 year single woman is still not acceptable).

A week later, this practice made headlines in one of the famous newspapers of London thus exposing the practice of Virginity test, also known as the two finger test. Immediately, disciplinary action was ordered against the immigration officials who were suspected of having carried out these tests. Irony was that the newspaper article recorded a statement by Indian High Deputy commissioner at that time, where he had asked the British government to ban this practice as it was outrageous and was carried nowhere else in the world.