Submitted by supppbrahhh t3_yig25e in worldnews
AdeptLengthiness8886 t1_iuiijzz wrote
Probably because if the Turkish and Russian Navy in the Black Sea fought it out, Russia has about 12 ships left, and one of those is a dinghy
PuzzleCat365 t1_iuiiks5 wrote
Russia won't touch Turkey because they will promptly sink their black sea fleet if they do.
supppbrahhh OP t1_iuij3n6 wrote
Then they’d say it was the UK Navy who did it.
autotldr t1_iuike65 wrote
This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 82%. (I'm a bot)
> Turkey says it is determined that Ukraine continues its food exports despite Russia announcing its withdrawal from a UN-brokered grain deal, a move that has heightened concerns for nations desperate for food assistance.
> In July, Russia and Ukraine signed the grain deal, which allowed the resumption of grain exports halted because of the war.
> Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of wheat expected to be delivered to Africa and the Middle East are at risk after Russia's withdrawal from the deal.
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PuzzleCat365 t1_iuiklqv wrote
While saying they're the victims and everybody is a Russophobe.
90o7u6y75ss2w3 t1_iuinagw wrote
War is one thing . But let people eat.
StukaTR t1_iuiu2o6 wrote
artcook32945 t1_iuivlbd wrote
Is this to be the Tipping Point for Turkey? Will they finally see it to be to their best interest to be on the Winning Side?
Totalshitman t1_iuj6t30 wrote
I find it laughable how they couldn't take out the drone with a helicopter and a boat from 10 ft away lol. I mean I personally wouldn't have driven in front of the drone bomb in the boat, maybe follow behind next time? Still laughing about it.
A_Moon_Named_Luna t1_iujbv2y wrote
Unfortunately it’s strategy. Almost like a large scale seige
dhelidhumrul t1_iujdm9n wrote
There is no winning side. Russia will annex and everything will go back to normal eventually like it had happenned before. Also, Turkey polarizes itself from everyone and just does what interests it best but it might be the last nail in their coffin
bertiebasit t1_iujl6kw wrote
Winning side? Turkiye is winning by serving their own interests.
If you think they really give a fuck about Russia or Ukraine, you’re reading the room wrong.
nolok t1_iujmtht wrote
It would also be in range of like the entire turkish air force
artcook32945 t1_iujp68r wrote
Keep your eye on Crimea. That is where the worm may turn and bite back. And, Turkey will not want to be connected to a loser. Macho Guys never do.
artcook32945 t1_iujpjsw wrote
As I said, Turkey will not want connections to a losing side. It would be in their "Best Interest" to be seen with the default winner.
bertiebasit t1_iujrab6 wrote
Turkiye don’t give a fuck because they are not backing either side.
Out of interest, what benefit is there to openly backing Ukraine? From what I can see, it’s financially beneficial to deal with Russia at the moment…Turkiye are doing very well out of them
[deleted] t1_iujtywq wrote
[deleted] t1_iuju633 wrote
artcook32945 t1_iuju8fc wrote
At the present moment, yes. But, giving the Military advances that Ukraine has made, plus, the Human Rights Violations that Russia is racking up, one might think that Russia connections might not be beneficial, in the not too distant future. Turkey can use World Hunger as a ploy to disagree with Putin right now. A toe in the door. Then sit back and see which way the wind is blowing. I am thinking that the Crimea situation will decide this whole issue. Putin stole it and the world did nothing. Now, Ukraine is focused on getting it back. Russian officials, in Crimea, are sending their families back to Russia. What does that say?
TROPtastic t1_iujus4b wrote
As a reasonable person, you do not understand the mentality of the Russian government. For them, the threat of millions of people starving is simply a bargaining chip to get a more favourable outcome in their war.
bertiebasit t1_iujuvw8 wrote
Ukraine aren’t winning anything anytime soon.
It’s Turkiye by the way. It’s about time the west started respecting this countries name.
InFerYes t1_iujvd8b wrote
That's our guy in a rubber dingy
solreaper t1_iujvhbz wrote
The Dutch*
Seriously I bet the Dutch are secretly building a US sized fleet right now just itching to be the worlds finest pirates privateers Navy again. ;)
artcook32945 t1_iujvk1x wrote
Well, pardon me! Since the head line, to this post, had it spelled Turkey, it seems I am not alone in my Social Gaff. And, it seems you have now shown us your personal bias towards your Turkiye. Even my Spell Check is telling me that new spelling is not right.
henryptung t1_iujzwmr wrote
> Russia suspended the deal on Saturday after what it said was a major Ukrainian drone attack on its naval fleet in annexed Crimea. Despite Moscow’s decision, cargo ships set sail carrying 354,500 tonnes of grain, the most dispatched in one day since the programme began in August.
The hilarious (and sad) thing is that Russia pulling out of the deal probably accelerated exports rather than restricting them. Russia was using the deal and inspection as a way to slow exports to a trickle; with no deal, Russia also has no grounds to stop or inspect vessels other than direct piracy, and that's presumably where Turkey would have something to say about it.
jakesonwu t1_iuk1vrw wrote
Exactly. That is why the west never sanctions food and medicine.
supppbrahhh OP t1_iuifx6l wrote
“Cargo ships carrying 354,500 tonnes of grain, the most shipped in one day since Ukrainian exports resumed, set sail on Monday.
Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of wheat expected to be delivered to Africa and the Middle East are at risk after Russia's withdrawal from the Ukraine grain export deal.
Turkey says it is determined that Ukraine continues its food exports despite Russia announcing its withdrawal from a UN-brokered grain deal, a move that has heightened concerns for nations desperate for food assistance.
Russia pulled out of the deal on Saturday after what it said was a major Ukrainian drone attack on its naval fleet in annexed Crimea. Despite Moscow’s decision, cargo ships set sail carrying 354,500 tonnes of grain, the most dispatched in one day since the programme began in August.
Turkey, which helped broker the agreement, remained committed to the deal.
“Even if Russia behaves hesitantly because it didn’t receive the same benefits, we will continue decisively our efforts to serve humanity,” President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said.
Amir Abdullah, the UN official coordinating the programme, said: “Civilian cargo ships can never be a military target or held hostage. The food must flow.”
‘Risky’ exports
Russia warned on Monday that it would be dangerous for Ukraine to continue its exports.
“In conditions where Russia is talking about the impossibility of guaranteeing the safety of shipping in these areas, such a deal is hardly feasible, and it takes on a different character – much more risky, dangerous and unguaranteed,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said.
Ukraine has neither confirmed nor denied carrying out the attack on the Crimean base of Russia’s Black Sea Fleet but says Russia’s navy is a legitimate military target.
Moscow has said the blasts were caused by a wave of sea and air drones.
In July, Russia and Ukraine signed the grain deal, which allowed the resumption of grain exports halted because of the war.
So far, more than nine million tonnes of Ukrainian grain has been exported, and the deal was set to be renewed on November 19.
Food price spike
Ukraine and Russia are both among the world’s largest exporters of food.
After Russia announced it was withdrawing from the deal, Chicago wheat futures jumped 6 percent and corn rose more than 2 percent, raising concerns over global supplies.
“This is an inflationary move, supporting prices of wheat and corn,” one Singapore-based trader said. “Prices have risen, but further gains will depend on how the situation unfolds.”
Hundreds of thousands of tonnes of wheat expected to be delivered to Africa and the Middle East are at risk after Russia’s withdrawal from the deal. Ukrainian corn exports to Europe are also expected to be hit.”