Savethetrees4life t1_iui5f25 wrote
Bit confused.. Poland is having US based Westinghouse build them a large Reactor. How is Poland working with South Korea on building Reactors?
AXOTRET OP t1_iui644p wrote
It seems we will build both American and Korean reactors.
Savethetrees4life t1_iui6jcl wrote
I'm all for diversified energy sources. Just a bit surprised to hear implementation of different Reactor types in such a short time.
Stye88 t1_iuicwq7 wrote
nUcLeAr bAd, AtOm sCaRy.
FiveFingerDisco t1_iuihrul wrote
If you feel so...
Splatter_1 t1_iuioidk wrote
Yes we need nuclear power. Dont half ass fhe contruction and properly dispose of waste and there is no issues.
BigManScaramouche t1_iuiwa26 wrote
Nuclear energy is a necessary component of a "green" based energy production. You need a stable source of power that isn't reliant on the weather for everything to work properly. Then you can adjust how much base power (nuclear) you need when "green" powerplants are working at full capacity.
Relying purely on renewables is rarely possible, and is quite risky.
FiveFingerDisco t1_iuiz8rp wrote
This stable source of energy can be provided by diversification in the placement of renewable power generation and energy storage sites, without the need of high risk technology like nuclear power.
Twisted_Fate t1_iuj5w8j wrote
it's not a high risk technology, though
FiveFingerDisco t1_iuj76y6 wrote
Tell that to the thousands of people that use to live and work around Tschernobyl or Fukushima and that have lost their livelihood and everything their ancestors have worked for there.
Risk isn't just the probability of an event happening, but also the damage that is inflicted by the event.
FiveFingerDisco t1_iui1n2a wrote
I wonder how much more power they could install in renewables in the time they need to build a NPP for the same price.