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ZedFlex t1_iubshts wrote

Great news! Anti coagulants are a horrible way to die and consistently kill predators like owls and pets like dogs. There are better ways to deal with rodents than this poison


OofPleases t1_iudqsfr wrote

This summer my family’s dog Wyatt dive bombed a chunk of rat poison we keep in between a panel and door of one of our barn’s coops. It turned to be this kind and the vet said I was smart to bring him in within the 15 minutes of him eating it instead of a few hours. Vet said there’s no cure so they can only pump the stomach. When I told my mom she said “Not buying that brand again.” My mom doesn’t love a lot of animals but damn does she love Wyatt.

TLDR: Dog ate the banned brand of poison, stomach flushed and he’s happy and healthy nowadays. We don’t buy that poison anymore.


Barrakketh t1_iue26xi wrote

You're only supposed to use that kind of poison inside a dog and child resistant bait station that locks. That's why blocks of rodenticide has a hole in the middle, you slide it onto rods inside of the bait station so the rodents aren't just dragging it off somewhere.

There are treatment options if pumping the stomach is not an option. The vet can administer activated charcoal to help limit absorption, and vitamin k can be injected to help with clotting. In severe cases blood transfusion is an option.