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IneptusMechanicus t1_iuhgpf6 wrote

>Why would an evil global cabal, who controls everything, bother to "stage" events?

Most conspiracies tend to fall apart on the 'why', it's technically possible a group of people could stage conspiracies of that scope, though as a species we're pretty bad at it, but in most cases there's simply no rational reason to do so. The conspiracy theories seem to either come back to people staging something as a pretext for something they could just do anyway, or their motivation being 'dunno lol'.


Inevitable_Price7841 t1_iuhouup wrote

I suppose being technically possible is a good start, but most conspiracy theories fail to even meet that requirement lol. Staging a massacre or crisis makes no sense when you consider the number of psychopaths who would gladly carry it out for fun.