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mydogisanassholeama t1_iu3sgqq wrote

Glad that Canada has done this. This is an important step towards reconciliation. That said, a lot of you guys who are acting smug about this might want to look into your own countries histories and the acts of cultural genocide that have been committed. Just because you ignore and deny history, doesn't make you morally superior.


TrainingObligation t1_iu4y9fe wrote

China is especially quick to trot out our treatment of indigenous people, past and current, whenever their treatment of Uyghurs is brought up.

As if that whataboutism excuses their own actions. And at least our government is honest enough to publicly admit to the world we were and still are in the wrong. As Canadians we may not be as good as we once thought we were, but acknowledging our wrongs (which a patriot is capable of) is still loads better than denying an issue even exists (which is what a nationalist does).