Shooter2970 t1_iu4ktvj wrote
Reply to comment by shpydar in Canada House of Commons unanimously agrees to describe residential schools as genocide by shpydar
The Aztecs were enslaving anyone they warred with. Not to mention the human sacrifices. Native Americans were also warring with each other over land well before any European got here. Don't forget to face these facts as well.
axonxorz t1_iu4oc7n wrote
Man, you're just whataboutism in a nutshell, eh?
Shooter2970 t1_iu5mduh wrote
The post above was using whataboutism to describe the rest of the Americas and how European Colonizers started mass genocide. I bring up two more and you say whataboutism. You just hate Europeans in a nutshell right?
axonxorz t1_iu5mvu4 wrote
Dunno how calling you out twice about whataboutism means I hate Europeans, but you continue on the springboard I guess.
You've framed your argument above as if acknowledging that Canada did bad means we are inherently ignoring other times the same bad has been done by someone else. Your coming in to point out that "handy fact" is why it's whataboutism, nobody in this thread said "and everybody else was a saint", as you are implying.
Shooter2970 t1_iu5ntce wrote
Why mention all those others and when I bring up two more you call foul. And I never said anything about anyone being a saint. I brought up past problems with Natives and how they are very similar. Don't just talk about one part of history is the point here. Don't forget the bullshit they were doing to their own people either. Canada is doing the right thing. But can you name me a tribe that will say they are sorry for taking a neighbors land in war? I don't know of any personally.
peacey8 t1_iu4qrrv wrote
Also the cavemen from 50,000 BC
Shooter2970 t1_iu5mv2m wrote
The last Aztec city fell in 1521.
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