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ReliableChicken t1_iugtjdx wrote

Her delusional grandiose is staggering.

Edit - Her delusions of grandeur is staggering

Edit due to a user having issues that my opinion have a grammatical error


APsWhoopinRoom t1_iugu1ur wrote

Hey genius, the term you're looking for is "delusions of grandeur." If you're going to try using big words to insult someone, maybe you should try using the right words.


[deleted] t1_iugublz wrote



APsWhoopinRoom t1_iuguzv1 wrote

Take careful notice of how "delusions of grandeur" is one of the very first things mentioned in the article. Then, take careful notice of how "delusional grandiose" (what you originally said above) is not mentioned.


ReliableChicken t1_iugv9sz wrote

Is this your thing? Seeing someone post and try to be a bully and impose your perceived intelligence through Reddit? Are you having a bad day? Do you want to chat? Seriously mental health is at crisis point world wide and trolling is a symptom of a very lonely person. Can help to talk,


APsWhoopinRoom t1_iugw1rv wrote

LMAO that's pretty hypocritical considering your original comment picking on an acclaimed teenage environmental activist. Textbook projection


ReliableChicken t1_iugx8ct wrote

what do you think you’re doing by attacking my comment and immediately try to be sarcastic and condescending? Ever done any self reflection? Have you always been so “triggered”? Your comments in reply to others are so negative and attacking. And your using “acclaimed” a little freely. She would be more infamous. Maybe if you tried yoga or meditation? Honestly look at your comments and try to see them from another’s point of view. You seem so sad. Have you got someone to talk to?


APsWhoopinRoom t1_iugxlcd wrote


Sorry, you kept making that mistake repeatedly, and it was starting to bother me. Your = possessive. You're = you are.

Again, you're the one picking on a kid that has done more to help climate activism than you or I ever will. I'm just calling you out for acting like a dickhead. How many Nobel Peace Awards have you been nominated for? She absolutely is acclaimed, and frankly I find it disturbing that you inexplicably despise her so much.


ReliableChicken t1_iugyw2t wrote

it’s a simple thing to do to see how easy a person is to trigger. You really think she has done anything for climate change? She received the “ oh how nice, go away now” award.

We use “alternative” to make the ones who try hard but really are doing nothing feel good about themselves. And people who want to feel they are doing something without actually doing anything feel validated. Bit like religion and prays. . . . 🎣

I find it disturbing you continue to think you know anything about me.

I listen to actual environmental experts and people who have applied their lives to scientific endeavors rather than some child being used as a proxy mouth piece. We don’t need her to have a tantrum on a stage to know the planet is ruined. So your ( lol ) allowed to have an opinion but because you don’t like mine, I’m not allowed to have one and gives you the entitlement to be a dickhead? See any issue there?

Good luck with your life, hope you find some happiness, honestly think you should look into some help.


Zogfrog t1_iuh2a18 wrote

Actual environmental experts are very supportive of Greta, even more so now that she has become more knowledgeable about nuclear energy.

She’s not perfect, none of us are, but she’s not full of her herself like you suggest and she’s done more good than you ever will.

You are using incels talking points ("tantrum", seriously ?), maybe examine your own delusions.

And yes, you were using that phrase incorrectly.