RTFops t1_iu9e7y2 wrote
Reply to comment by Drach88 in Russia’s security service works to subvert Moldova’s pro-Western government, intelligence documents show by wobblyweasel
And America overthrew 72 governments in the past 50 years.
Force3vo t1_iu9fwhz wrote
What has that to do with Russia?
Oh you don't have anything to say to the topic aside from whataboutism.
Winds_Howling2 t1_iu9nhjp wrote
People say this whataboutism isn't having any effect, but it does cause displays of shock and awe to ring a bit hollow.
Force3vo t1_iuaeci8 wrote
It's insanely effective which is why it's used so often. Sadly
RTFops t1_iub4fn4 wrote
Lmao good segway ya clown.
The above comment mentioned that Russia is trying to subvert every pro-western government. I’m saying USA did that to 72 independent nations. How dense can one be?
Force3vo t1_iub4w60 wrote
And how does that relate to what Russia is doing?
Whatever the US does doesn't make russias actions ok. Or do you think the US doing that is right?
RTFops t1_iub63tn wrote
The whataboutism is a frail rebuttal. Just because you’re the biggest bully on the yard doesn’t make you morally just. America invaded a handful of countries with no pretence. They sunk USS Maine to start a war with Cuba.
Get of the high horse. I get it Reddit is a stronghold of left-leaning pseudo-intellectuals but you’re all cherry pick facts and put up horrible non-standing rebuttals.
How is this different from USA invading Iraq? Or Biden carpet bombing civilians for 70 days in a row in Czechoslovakia? Or the only nation to drop two nuclear bombs on civilian targets??
Suns_Funs t1_iucmc6x wrote
>How is this different from USA invading Iraq?
The invasions were not followed by people commenting what about Soviet invasion of Afghanistan? Funny how only one side feels the need to constantly flood the topics with "what about".
mong_gei_ta t1_iu9mtol wrote
You forgot to add "what about" in the beginning of you question
RicardoReview t1_iu9jpuk wrote
Being overthrew by America a lot less worse than to be an russian friendly state
DeliverDaLiver t1_iu9gon7 wrote
and i dont live in america
Fun_Ad_3206 t1_iuabbg9 wrote
Ah yes, because Russia only invaded Ukraine and never interfered in any other country. Like China or the USA or many other countries. This is just one-sided whataboutism.
LewisLightning t1_iuaiy9u wrote
Still not as bad as Russia. They have controlled more governments in a shorter period of time and have had a much larger body count to reach their goals.
RTFops t1_iub528a wrote
USA sunk USS Maine to invade Cuba? Your statement doesn’t take on account geopolitical differences.
[deleted] t1_iua18v4 wrote
FishbowlPrime t1_iucmahz wrote
I choose America any day of the week.
South Korea (America) / North Korea (Soviet Russia)
West Germany (America) / East Germany (Soviet Russia)
4-Vektor t1_iucpcv4 wrote
West Germany (USA, UK, France) + West Berlin (USA, UK, France)
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