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autotldr t1_itkxlqh wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 65%. (I'm a bot)

> The Dutch government has issued 91 waivers from sanctions against Russia since the country invaded Ukraine late in February, RTL Nieuws reports after talking to the Ministries.

> The Ministry for Climate and Energy, which falls under Economic Affairs, issued 25 waivers for Dutch organizations to still get energy from former Gazprom companies.

> The Ministry of Foreign Trade and Development Cooperation, which falls under Foreign Affairs, issued 18 waivers to 13 organizations on "Humanitarian grounds" for cooperation between the EU and Russia on "Purely civilian matters." Foreign Affairs issued one waiver so a company could receive another payment from Russia.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: Ministry^#1 waiver^#2 Affairs^#3 Foreign^#4 issued^#5


BoozeIsFoods t1_itkyo2k wrote

I mean, where else are they supposed to get their caviar from?


politedeerx t1_itl7iz0 wrote

The dutch did some pretty horrific things in colonial days, looks like the government is reminiscing about what Russia is doing to civilians. Vote for a better government, the Netherworlds are better than this.


DeathByGoldfish t1_itlfyvz wrote

“‘The ministries shielded the names of the companies involved, the value of transactions which were exempted, and the business sectors concerned, RTL Nieuws reported.

The information was “company-sensitive,” according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.’”

It makes sense waive sanctions for very specific and critical needs. And yet, because of the criticality of those needs, they should be self-evident. Therefore, scrutiny by the greater populous is an imperative. To completely obfuscate ALL of the specifics about these transactions speaks of another motive.


RecklessTRexDriver t1_itlsyc6 wrote

Our government is a joke, and unfortunately there are no better options to even choose for in the next election either


Last-Ad-6763 t1_itltrvg wrote

This is such an absurd statement, I come from an incredibly poor and torn family, yet somehow it is supposed to be my responsibility to fix the mistakes of a government that existed tens to hundreds of years ago? I'm busy enough keeping my own head above the water, trying to fix mistakes made by a colonial regime is an insanely ridiculous thing to expect from someone. I treat people with respect, and try to help people where I can, but I do it out of the kindness of my heart, not some ridiculously absurd obligation.

Edit: spelling.


Northman67 t1_itludkk wrote

Important for the common citizen to realize that their life is 100% completely worthless and anything that they've worked on their life is 100% completely worthless and could be burned to the ground at any moment if it improved value for the shareholders of the major corporations.

And let's be real this war is funded by transactions enabled by those corporations by everyone who's buying resources from Russia keeping their economy afloat which is in turn being spent on military hardware. I suppose that we should be happy for the level of sanctions that we do get. After all it's completely unbelievable that the hyperwealthy would ever care about human life more than their personal fortunes. I would just like the rest of humanity to also figure that out so we could react accordingly.


talsmash t1_itlw6e1 wrote

what is that tower/building in the thumbnail?


DeathByGoldfish t1_itlwgyg wrote

I think this is a bit hyperbolic, TBH. “100% completely worthless”? I think there are some places in the world this is true, unfortunately. The Netherlands? I doubt that. The vast majority of western democracies? I think this is dubious thinking.

Just because I point out this lapse in good government oversight does not mean I don’t think the Netherlands or other western democracies aren’t doing overall good, or that they aren’t a positive force. They are, and are certainly better than the alternative.

I’m as skeptical as the next guy, but saying something like this undermines the hard work most democracies do to keep corporations and the elite from completely taking over - they would if there were not gatekeepers in government.

Most democracies these days do not suffer from external foes, as much as they suffer from constant internal power plays that must be kept under control to remain viable.

Are there injustices in western democracies? Absolutely.

Are they the exception, rather than the rule? Yep.

Is that perfect? Hell no.

Is it a start? I think so.

Trending toward goodness is a win.

EDIT (adding this): we might be saying the same thing, but I feel like there is a distinction here, at least for me.


redapple33 t1_itlwzdc wrote

and when is it going to be enough groveling? are we still making apolagies in 50 years for what the government and companies did 100 to 250 years ago?

Our generation and the last one had nothing to do with this so at some point it should be done and not be used as a way to make a point about a general problem.

But to be clear i'm not saying that it was oke what the spanish did in south america, what americans did in may countries, what the british and french or belgians did..or the dutch in the indies.. or the vikings in europe or the mores in spain italy and greece.. or the romans in europe and africa or ... etcetc...


Quorbach t1_itm4y77 wrote

Hey! Dutch government! Remember that one plane full of your citizen some Russia-sponsored little green men shot down? You look like compromising yourself!


GrapefruitExtension t1_itm68hz wrote

" we are very interested in and want to a leadership role in sanctioning russian government regime and their European terror campaign...... except for 91 reasons why we wont do this."


Suikerspin_Ei t1_itm8uc7 wrote

They already have apologize for many horrible stuff to different countries. On the other hand, it's not the current government/generation doing the horrible stuff.

Otherwise it's basically like you apologize for the bad things that your grandparents did?


Patentsmatter t1_itm9r4j wrote

> Our generation and the last one had nothing to do with this so at some point it should be done and not be used as a way to make a point about a general problem.

say that sentence with regards to Germany and you'll be in deep trouble. I agree to your position, but that's not how it works.


Test19s t1_itn92rr wrote

Trade with Russia should be conducted on a whitelist basis. Trading partners that are necessary or can prove that they aren’t profiting from the Great Eurasian Drone War should be exempt from most sanctions.


veneratio5 t1_itn9rtw wrote

Can someone explain what we're reading here? Just by reading the title, it seems The Netherlands are softening up on Putler, instead of hardening up? They should imposing even more sanctions in face of his medevil, Godless, world view? Instead of waving them... Right?


alvvayson t1_itncmpt wrote

No, the main type of exemption is: Dutch company made a contract for the delivery of oil or gas in the past, when prices were low.

Now they get an exemption on the sanctions to take delivery of that oil and gas.

And this is good, since it helps alleviate the energy crisis without giving Russia current high prices.


NotUpdated t1_itnl394 wrote

Smaller countries with heavier reliance on RU must be given relatively longer times to finish up their business. The Dutch are a good people and will do the right thing and have been doing the right thing - give them time and grace (or) help them source what they are needed from RU from alliance countries.


Dewey_Cheatem t1_itpb3k4 wrote

What's left of the left? D66 are NSBers to the VVD and happily sold out the students.

SP like infighting more than getting into the goverment. The PVDA has been fucking useless for the last 2 decades. GroenLinks? PvD?


n3ws4cc t1_itpysbp wrote

I agree all of it is dysfunctional, but anything on the left is better than the hypercapitalist, visionless and negligent leadership that has been slowly wrecking our social structures and general welfare in the last decade.


Patentsmatter t1_ittv5pb wrote

that's nice to hear, but it doesn't reflect political reality. Whenever Germany does anything (or nothing), it's a safe bet that foreign politicians will berate Germany "because a country with such history cannot do/not do X".


nulltheta t1_itz0ra6 wrote

So Holland is all good and is pissing on the deaths of MH17 airplane downed by the russians.

MH17 flight had 68% dutch people on it.

NL = Grotesque