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Menegra OP t1_iuhq183 wrote

Seems to me someone is upset about Iranian drones being used to kill civilians in Ukraine that they're putting out press releases about this BS. Happy to help our Ukrainian friends!


CompositeBeing t1_iuhqa1x wrote

I bet there were also Chinese parts in


HDC3 t1_iuhqu5x wrote

As a Canadian I approve of this and urge our government and industry to do more so support Ukraine.


Arkane-Light t1_iuhr46l wrote

The Russian Terrorist Regime failing its sensless war so they go finger pointing at everyone out of sheer pathetic display of weakness.

Russia will fall and Ukraine will win.


WinterWindWhip t1_iuhr8lv wrote

Day one: UK minister says LGBTQ world cup fans should be "respectful" in Qatar

Day two: Canadian minister calls that "horseshit"

Day three: Qatar mouthpiece al Jazeera hands the mic to Russia so they can spew drivel about Canada

You suck Qatar.


cryolongman t1_iuhsvp2 wrote

i mean duh. countries are helping Ukraine. what else is Putin going to be upset about? American made parts in mlrs systems?


cleft_chalice t1_iuhtr24 wrote

Ya know what that makes Canada? Part of most of the civilized world 🙀


Krizztoff t1_iuhuesh wrote

As opposed to Chinese made parts. I dont hear Putin bitching about China supplying parts?


YamReal8581 t1_iuhuoxk wrote

and American made missiles in their tank wrecks what's the point?


autotldr t1_iuhuruc wrote

This is the best tl;dr I could make, original reduced by 69%. (I'm a bot)

> The drones used to attack Russian ships in the Black Sea in Crimea were equipped with Canadian-made parts used in the navigation systems, according to Russia's defence ministry.

> The defence ministry said one of the drones may have been launched "From aboard one of the civilian ships chartered by Kyiv or its Western masters for the export of agricultural products from the seaports of Ukraine".

> Russia has since carried out massive air and drone strikes across Ukraine, damaging more than one-third of its power infrastructure.

Extended Summary | FAQ | Feedback | Top keywords: drone^#1 Russia^#2 attack^#3 Russian^#4 navigation^#5


beanfundip t1_iuhw2zz wrote

As multiple sources have shown/speculated, these drones use repurposed water jets from jet skis/personal watercraft. SeaDoo (a Canadian company) makes up a large part of the market share of PWC sales.


waamoandy t1_iuhxy1a wrote

What a great advert for Canadian electronics


Destination_Centauri t1_iuhyjv5 wrote

Putin was reportedly especially suspicious about Canada's involvement, when it was reported to him that some of the drones were propelled by a unique refined form of maple syrup as fuel.

Also noteworthy, was a portrait of Celine Dion painted on the front hull of one drone, done in WWII burlesque style, as well as another drone that sported the smiling face of Justin Bieber.


PapaShook t1_iui0hpe wrote

It was the empty Tim Hortons cup left inside the drone body that somehow didn't get incinerated.


kyleswitch t1_iui0nzn wrote

Russia is literally pulling country names out of a hat to point a finger at. Careful Ivory Coast, you're next.


BubberRung t1_iui0zla wrote

It’s a great day for Canada and therefore the world.


that_other_goat t1_iui1114 wrote

Cool, tell us which ones so we can send Ukraine some more.


Karl___Marx t1_iui1f3w wrote

It's a bit of a mixed bag. Canada cancelled exports of military equipment to Turkey because of their technology being used to kill civilians in Nagorno-Karabakh.

These drones were probably some of the few assembled prior to the sanctions going up and were transferred from Turkey to Ukraine.

It would be great if Canada could leave Turkey out as a a middle man.


junglist-methodz t1_iui4lv8 wrote

I heard that too! As well I said a video of David Suzuki using a trebuchet to launch beavers across the Dinpro River. Ontario is considering sending Doug Ford to Kherson to be released into the wild with his fellow Russians. It was also announced Quebec will be sending their drivers because their extremely experienced at hitting everything on the road in any condition, traffic light, old lady crossing the street don't matter to them. Their accuracy is unmatched by most, unless your a driver from India.



Sea-Blueberry-3184 t1_iui5e5b wrote

The parts Russia imported from Canada to build drones in Russia. Self inflicted drone attacks and blowing up apartment buildings in the middle of the night are part and parcel of how Russia justifies military actions.


Dividedthought t1_iuiexni wrote

The parts in question here are the optics and camera systems from what I remember. Canada sent a bunch of these camera and optics upgrades to ukraine (as we had them/could send them) which is a step up over the optics and cameras on the base bayraktar. This has been ongoing for a while now.

So we are leaving turkey out as the middle man in this case. We have everything needed to produce these upgrades, and ukraine knows how to install them. Weird how russia hasn't complained about this until now, I guess the upgrades are working as intended.


Sounds like rhey're talking about the boat drones. Seems the drone boats are based around a seadoo (jetski, canadian company) and have a canadian navigation system on board. Again, them complaining just indicates these things are effective.


asparemeohmy t1_iuin696 wrote

Oh wow jeez what a bummer. Just parts? Shoulda been the whole damn drone


lol_treez t1_iuiq75h wrote

Lol Dedushka Putin is just pointing every which way, screaming “NO ITS YOUR FAULT!”

Doesn’t realize for pointing his finger at someone, he’s got three fingers pointing back at him! Haha


AnxiouslyPessimistic t1_iuiv1eg wrote

Not exactly a secret that a load of countries are supplying Ukraine with weapsons and parts


Glittering_Fun_7995 t1_iuivzl3 wrote

well really it is a non story really you will find from all sort of countries (usually the cheapest) drone material elements

Also were those part sold to a middle man who then sold them to someone else to be able to deny hey wasn't us this old we never gonna sell to whoever officially but will do unofficially


dv666 t1_iuiyqj0 wrote

Yes, let's boot out one of the most important countries in the world's most important military alliance. Yes, that'll surely help the west obtain it's goals.

People seriously need to think before they post


dv666 t1_iuiz46a wrote

We're secretly building a bunker buster drone to assassinate putin. It doesn't contain any explosives. Instead when it lands dion, beiber and drake pop out. Their "music" will then drive putin to defenstrate himself


ThELaSt6977 t1_iujdssd wrote

Parts made in China are destroying your fleet as well; and……..


Moonlapsed t1_iujs7w6 wrote



Anything else?


Nismo929 t1_iuk0tqa wrote

What hasn't Russia alleged at this point.
Seems like somebody has a case of the "alledgedlies" Fuck you Putin!


Nismo929 t1_iuk0v5v wrote

What hasn't Russia alleged at this point.
Seems like somebody has a case of the "alledgedlies" Fuck you Putin!


spastical-mackerel t1_iuk80ak wrote

Ukraine is not under sanctions, and selling them this equipment is perfectly legal. The fact that it's being used to kill Russians is just icing on the cake.

Russia's a whiny bitch