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dwitman t1_iuj7nui wrote

I feel like violence in this situation is almost a foregone conclusion.


calmdownmyguy t1_iujasns wrote

For every 1000 make believe tough guy conservatives you see on the Internet only one of them even has a chance of actually doing anything.


Jonnny t1_iuk7exv wrote

But that's still 50 of them to form a (mostly nonviolent) mob, and still 5 or 10 violent dumbfucks. Multiply this several times, with energy running high, and you've got some ugly situations.


jpf137 t1_iuje9pr wrote

Who do you think will back his antics? Nobody outside the country, much less than half the people inside.


kerred t1_iujo55y wrote

If I was him I would solicit donations from my worshippers/voters.


jpf137 t1_iujt0vx wrote

...profit! :$


kerred t1_iujzi7f wrote

I feel like Trump could have crazy stupid money if he mailed his followers like a televangelist.

I bet his advisors thought of a bunch of ways then though "this will collapse before we can run with the money"


What_its_full_of t1_iuk6rdi wrote

I thought he was doing exactly that.

Isn’t a large part of the reason that he doesn’t declare for 2024 because any donations then become campaign contributions that have to be accountable?

In the meantime, I thought he was raising money for imaginary court cases and spending it on cheeseburgers.

Édit. Words


dwitman t1_iujzsz3 wrote

My worry would be the police or the military or both. I don’t know much about Brazil, less than I’d like to actually…so hopefully these are unfounded fears.