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OP t1_itw80vh wrote

Let the whole world know. This is a fucking tragedy. Emperor penguins are one of the coolest cutest animals on this planet and is soon to be wiped away due to greed and hot steaming misery.


t1_itx2lub wrote

"the penguins aren’t currently in danger of extinction, but rising temperatures signal that is likely"

I need more information. What exactly makes it more likely? Article doesn't say.


t1_itxh93n wrote

>Climate change has caused colonies to experience breeding failures, according to the government. The Halley Bay colony in the Weddell Sea, the second-largest emperor penguin colony in the world, experienced several years of poor sea ice conditions, leading to the drowning of all newborn chicks beginning in 2016, the government said.


t1_itxlnhs wrote

Uplifting news: Unlike static-think governments they're adaptive and migrate when circumstances change.

"A nearby penguin colony had increased in size, however, indicating that many of the Halley Bay birds had migrated to safer breeding conditions."

Often when species are said to be extinct, well, technically they are in that particular spot, but animals move around a lot, and the global total individuals can be higher. Ref. e.g. polar bears.


t1_itxmwoa wrote

I think that's why they say "at risk of". Penguins adapted, but a lack of ice kills and we're not on our way to having more of it

... your own link mentions that emperor penguins are likely to lose their habitat in the near future..

>Warming ocean waters are melting the sea ice where Emperor penguins live and breed. 

>The researchers said that most of the newly found colonies are in locations that could disappear as a result of climate change.

>"Birds in these sites are therefore probably the 'canaries in the coalmine' – we need to watch these sites carefully as climate change will affect this region," said Philip Trathan, head of conservation biology at BAS. 

>Last year another survey from BAS discovered that the second largest Emperor penguin colony on Earth had suffered a "catastrophic" breeding failure as their habitat dwindles. 

>The Halley Bay colony in the Weddell Sea due south of Cape Hope, normally sees up to 25,000 penguin pairs mate each year.

>But in 2016, when abnormally warm and stormy weather broke up the sea-ice on which the penguins normally raise their young, almost all the chicks died. This pattern was repeated in 2017 and 2018. 

Just because some nearby colonies grew doesn't mean the entire Halley Bay colony relocated..


t1_itxoono wrote

I just turned 29 and it depresses me that I’ll see so many unique animals go extinct in my life time.

I remember the Northern white rhinoceros going extinct on the news years ago and that really bummed me out because I was super baked, and I thought all rhinos died. It really freaked me the fuck out man.


t1_itxs2p8 wrote

According to the EPA, both monthly maximums and minimums have been exceeded in the past 15 years. They don't expect the Antarctic yearly average ice coverage to remain unaffected forever

>Compared with the noticeable decrease in Arctic sea ice extent (see the Arctic Sea Ice indicator), the increase in Antarctic sea ice is small. Many factors appear to be influencing Antarctic sea ice extent, including changes in wind patterns and fresh water entering the ocean from melting ice sheets.6 For instance, a 2016 study showed that changes to atmospheric circulation patterns in the Antarctic region are responsible for recent increases in sea ice extent.7 Without better ice thickness and ice volume estimates, it is difficult to characterize how the total amount of Antarctic sea ice is responding to climate change.8


t1_itxsfms wrote

US officials pretending to give a shit. Anyone buying it? Anyone? Anyone? Do I hear five?


t1_itybh2u wrote

If everyone agrees to live a zero-waste life, then corporations will not profit and greenhouse gases will drastically decrease. We are the product they profit from by living the way we do. So as long as we continue buying their products, this planet will continue on down the downward slope. Voting won’t do much, but we can vote with our dollars in a way.