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Heres_your_sign t1_iuappf5 wrote

Not to make light of what these women went through, but the difference in perspectives is striking. I would pay a princely sum of money to be sexually harassed by female submariners for months at a time with no escape.


Sleipnirs t1_iuas7x5 wrote

The only difference here is that you seem desperate while those women aren't. Didn't even came to your mind that they could have someone in their lives already.


atttrae t1_iuavanq wrote

No you wouldn't want to be harassed. Sexually or otherwise. Having sexual things happen to you that you don't want is kind of the definition.


Deep_Blue77 t1_iuavn9i wrote

You are brain dead, it’s not harassment if it’s consensual


worriedrenterTW t1_iub1p56 wrote

How about being sexually threatened and assaulted by big burly male navy officers? Because that's the equivalent, not women.


Piotrof t1_iudxefo wrote

The difference is that you are sick in the head.