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armin_si t1_itz0ly4 wrote

Its an good effort but it doesnt say SO much as to where their economic class. Never saw that much transparency in a government report tho


razor_eddie t1_itz2qyk wrote

OK, but do you have the cultural referents to make sense of the information?

For example, is this person left or right wing?

"She has strong links to the Māori King Movement; her father was the adopted son of King Korokī and the elder brother of Māori Queen Te Atairangikaahu.[9] She is related to the Māori monarch, Kingi Tuheitia.[10] Her sister, is the co-chair of the Māori Health Authority.[11]"

Or this one?

"She grew up in Morrinsville and Murupara, where her father,worked as a police officer,[18] and her mother worked as a school catering assistant.[19][20] She was raised in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church), and her uncle is a general authority in the church."

(They're both left-wingers. The first is the current NZ Minister for foreign affairs, and the second is the Prime Minister)

A lot of it goes with the party. A lot of Green MPs are ex community workers. A lot of Labour politicians are ex Government Employees.

For your private equity fund managers, look to the National Party.
