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cosmernaut420 t1_iuh1gqd wrote

Hey dipshits! If you want the population to stop protesting, maybe stop murdering them in the street like assholes.


nonono33345 t1_iuhqoxw wrote

"Make us. Good luck with your 'thoughts and prayers' and 'omg they're so braves.' I'm sure they will work eventually. In the meantime, we'll just keep killing innocent people with no repercussion. My wife actually loves it when I do this."


kaisadilla_ t1_iuiir4z wrote

They are not protesting police brutality. They want freedom. Freedom to not have the state tell you exactly how much hair you are allowed to show.


jonathanrdt t1_iujh5pj wrote

How can they yield, though? If they bend on scripture, the foundation of their rule collapses.

This is why you cannot run a modern nation on an ancient text.