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[deleted] t1_iuh9o3q wrote


IamWarlok t1_iuhavs4 wrote

They’re right tho. It was harsh but fair.


CaptainC0medy t1_iuhf071 wrote

The first sentence was right. The rest of it was pretty ott


james_hamilton1234 t1_iuhkvtv wrote

Meh not really. It's not like you had to search through a newspaper to find the article, it was right there. One click. Much work I'm sure ......

Also just to be clear, you're saying you just read a headline and run with it so if the headline is disingenuous or contains misinformation, that is simply all the information you gathered on the topic before running with it? This is literally how misinformation is spread.

You could have gotten away with the stupid comment if it wasn't for us meddling informed readers (Scooby doo reference - I'd post a wikipedia link but ... Well you're not gonna click on it are you)


CaptainC0medy t1_iuhqvax wrote

I do appreciate scooby doo, but no

I said I didn't know if it was 1 hit or 100, all that needs to be said is "it's in the article" and that's it, someone name-calling is immature.

Defending name-calling is worse.

It's one thing to inform someone, another to be abusive, and another to defend it.

But then this is reddit.


james_hamilton1234 t1_iuhugi9 wrote

> reddit

Which you didn't bother to do before jumping in with your hot take and then getting mad when you get called a dumbass for it


CaptainC0medy t1_iui4dxp wrote

Hot take, I said from the title you can't say if it's 1 hit or 100.

Keep making drama.


james_hamilton1234 t1_iui5sqc wrote

> A single hit isn't a beating. That said no idea if it was 1 hit or 100

This would be the hot take - I'm curious, where is the part about you saying form the title you couldn't tell? Or was that the later comment where you were telling us you didn't read the article ...


CaptainC0medy t1_iuibgf5 wrote

"That said no idea if it was 1 hit or 100," this tells you I am referencing the headline and not the article, didn't read it.

I can comment on the headline without reading the article, because the op if this threading said it was an odd phrasing of the heading.


hunisher1 t1_iui6m2k wrote

Bro I don’t know why you’re so upset and still trying to defend yourself. You looked a fool and people called you out on it… it’s all good, maybe read the article before posting some stupid shit next time?

It’s like you grabbed a cactus with your bare hand and act BAFFLED that it hurt you.


CaptainC0medy t1_iuiayle wrote

Not upset, sticks and stones, just don't see why someone has to go john wick because I stated the headline doesn't state if it's 1 hit or 100, whether I read the article or not, I'm factually correct.


hunisher1 t1_iuigjs8 wrote

“John wick” that’s hilarious lmao. You’re still a dweeb though.


[deleted] t1_iuhenyw wrote



[deleted] t1_iuhexhc wrote



YouMakeMeSaaaaaad t1_iuhgn7v wrote

Stfu. People are dying and you are busy analyzing if it took one hit or multiple.... Stop typing and do some soul searching