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Elbradamontes t1_iuhog6e wrote

I think it’s to focus on the baton. My reaction was towards the dangers of police with batons. Like when someone is killed by a non-lethal weapon it’s important to point out it is lethal. What if it was just a single crowd control swing? Isn’t that noteworthy?


kaisadilla_ t1_iuigr9j wrote

tbh that's not relevant. A baton is non-lethal because you can use it to control someone without killing them. If you kill someone with it, either you did it on purpose or you were negligent.

This is like saying handcuffs are lethal because you can strangle someone with them. Yes, you can, but it's not how they should be used.


IkLms t1_iuj6rpb wrote

A baton is no different from a bat. A single 'crowd control' swing is lethal force when it's aimed at a head which would be likely here if it was only one swing.

But it's still deflecting.

Using passive voice on this is trying to control the narrative and make it seem like an unfortunate accident instead of an intentional act by the police leading to death