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Rjlv6 t1_iu6r97p wrote

They're working on it. Site prep is underway for America's first commercial small modular nuclear reactor. It's going to be in Idaho and will basically provide power to Utah. The department of energy gave them $1 Billion for the first plant. Construction begins in 2024 and should be finished by 2030 if everthing goes well. An identical plant is also going to be built in Romania aswell. If things go well it should be much cheaper as many of the components are off the shelf parts that are also used in natural gas plants. It's also already been certified by the nuclear regulatory commission which has been a big hurdle.


GameHunter1095 t1_iu7be9k wrote

Bill Gates had a few reactors in the works too with a company out of SK called TerraPower. Not sure whatever happened to that project as it was a few years ago that I read about it. I think one was supposed to be built in Wyoming.


Rjlv6 t1_iu7dm37 wrote

As I understand that's still ongoing but the Idaho one is an NRC licensed design which is a key barrier.


ZeeznobyteTheFirst t1_iu7k41d wrote

They are doing site preparations to begin construction on the first Natrium reactor next year. TerraPower also signed an agreement with PacifiCorps to build several more in Utah and Wyoming.