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PlayingTheWrongGame t1_iuejg6w wrote

Designs, yes.

Approved commercial reactors a company can buy, no.

> "Mass production" of SMRs need not be the scale of consumer electronics to be cost effective.

If you want to make the argument that mass production will substantially reduce costs they would need to be.


ok46reddit t1_iuftkz3 wrote

>Approved commercial reactors a company can buy,

There are several under construction in China and Russia. One operational in Russia for now. KAERI has one licensed in SK, and there are five more designs being evaluated for licensing in the US and Russia. And I am pretty sure we will see these designs in operation before this one in Poland can be brought online.

There are dozens of additional designs in the pipeline.


PlayingTheWrongGame t1_iufzq7f wrote

> There are several under construction in China and Russia.

Tech demonstrators are not the same as cost-competitive commercial products.


ok46reddit t1_iui29nd wrote

By that standard every single cold-war style nuke generation complex is a 'tech demonstrator' since they are all pretty much subsidized one-offs.


PlayingTheWrongGame t1_iujd3al wrote

It’s almost like this method of generating electricity inherently scales poorly.


ok46reddit t1_iujuxtu wrote

I don't know where you are getting that idea. Particularly with distributed generation becoming more common.