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soulhot t1_itbav4d wrote

But didn’t you know Russians have a god given right to do as they please because they are superior to other people. That’s why there is no such thing as a Russian war crime as they are just doing what they need to be done. It’s built into their national psyche.


I_try_to_be_polite t1_itbbt1e wrote

Your comment makes it seem like Russia and us has this in common.


Ashen_Brad t1_itbe045 wrote

The US has had this in common at times however, unlike post soviet Russia, the US is a changing beast and has the ability to learn.


musedmb715 t1_itc3yga wrote

also people in the united states can face at least a modicum of backlash for their behavior.....whereas the elite in russia perpetuating these ideas are never even confrontented

at least george w had a show thrown at him and is disliked and distrusted by americans of all polotical affilitions

also the united statess is actually a world power....whereas russia is a nation beating it's chest and kicking children trying to prove how strong they are lolol