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sooprvylyn t1_iy9cgc6 wrote

Imagine being on the repair crew for that power infrastructure.....russia bombed this as a strategic war move to prevent ukraine from being able to function properly this sure they wont attack it again as you work to repair it.


justmebuddyboi t1_iy9jkl3 wrote

Im going to assume some of these new air defense systems will be close by, it's a double whammy. Putin gets to watch the power come back on while his missles get shot down.


Kaissy t1_iy9ek62 wrote

Yeah I would definitely be on edge. If I was the wife of any of those guys I wouldn't let them go lol.


LatterTarget7 t1_iy9fxk5 wrote

I highly doubt that Russia is dumb enough to potentially kill nato workers


gtmattz t1_iya3wvb wrote

This year has been a long string of people saying 'i doubt russia is dumb enough' then Russia turns and proves they are, indeed, that dumb...


FluffyProphet t1_iyagebk wrote

Bruh, Russians being dumb as been the one of the major themes of the war.

Generation upon generation of filling your gene pool with alcohol babies will do that to a place though.


r-reading-my-comment t1_iyauz4b wrote

I doubt they're sending any military engineers, and civilians will have voluntarily gone there. This won't be very different from killing foreign fighters... at least to a military that has no problem attacking residential areas.

It would suck, but what would NATO do besides sanctions?


AvoidMyRange t1_iya5cpw wrote

You can always bring a Gepard or some other kind of anti air weapon system to the area you want to do repairs in.

You cannot cover everything at all times, but you can certainly cover critical personell when needed.


Lucius-Halthier t1_iy9rdi7 wrote

Real talk though what happens if Russia did strike again and ended up killing those alliance workers? Would that be grounds for war?


r-reading-my-comment t1_iyavps1 wrote

Highly doubtful.

They're civilians that will be voluntarily going into an active warzone. I hope they stay safe and productive, but this isn't that different from the Americans, Brits and other NATO veterans that are fighting over there.